Institutional Changes in the Russian Empire During the Reign of Alexander II and Their Impact on Economic Processes

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The object of this study is the “Great Reforms”, which led to institutional changes in Russia during the reign of Alexander II. A problematic question is posed: how did replacing the obsolete institutions of the Russian Empire with new ones under Alexander II affect the economy? Because of the persisting dichotomy with regard to the results of Alexander II’s reforms, a hypothesis is put forward: in addition to the impact of the new institutions introduced during the period of the “Great Reforms”, the efforts of the transformations were not aimed at the complete elimination of outdated institutions. To test the hypothesis, the main objective of the study is formulated: to reflect the institutional changes in Russia during the reign of Alexander II and their impact on the economy. The theoretical framework of the study includes a number of concepts of domestic and foreign scholars: Douglas North’s concept of institutions, which is exemplified by his works “Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Functioning” [1], “Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance” [2] and “Institutions and Economic Growth: Historical Introduction” [2]; Sergey Yu. Glazyev’s theory of long-term technical and economic development, reflected in the article “Modern Theory of Long Waves in Economic Development” [3] and the book “Russia in the New Technological and World Economic Patterns” [4]. This selection is due to the fact that the provisions of institutionalism and the concept of technological modes give the most complete answer to the problem question of the research. The work used the following set of methods: general scientific methods, such as logical analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization of the available scientific literature on the topic of research; specific scientific theoretical methods: literature analysis on the selected historical period (the reforms of Alexander II), collection of statistical data (primarily economic indicators), analysis of the transformations in various spheres of social life and their results conducted in the specified historical period. The result of the study was the reflection of institutional changes in the economy of the Russian Empire and the country’s transition to a “new technological mode”.

About the authors

Danil A. Alekseenko

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications 49, Leningradsky pr., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125468

Alexei V. Ivanov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications 49, Leningradsky pr., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125468

Ilya O. Korenkov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications 49, Leningradsky pr., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125468


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