Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1436
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2021-8-2
Full Issue
Extremely High Environmental Turbulence as a Challenge to 21st Century System Management
The article actualizes the challenges of developing the theoretical and methodological basis for managing environmental turbulence in the 21st century under the unprecedented changes that have taken place both in the interpretation of the category of turbulence itself and the ability to manage it between the end of 2019 and the present in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the analysis of the category of turbulence of the new type are presented, as well as its nature and content are determined. Conceptual approaches to the criteria for the effectiveness of turbulence management have been developed. The vector of the direction of the evolution of national systems of government in the era of total turbulence at the level of public policy has been defined. The experience of the best management practices at the beginning of 2021 is noted, which, however, shows that without the use of an arsenal of “hard” technologies it is not yet possible to curb the challenges of extremely high environmental turbulence. Based on the study, the authors made the conclusion about the key role of general civil consent and cooperation in the implementation of “manual management” regime under the conditions of extremely high environmental turbulence of the early twenties of the 21st century. The peculiarities of forming the international socio-economic context of the period of extremely high turbulence, its problems and contradictions are highlighted. The main features of this context of the newest period include the ongoing systemic crisis of the world economy, permanent structural financial and economic crises, as well as the characteristics of globalization and deglobalization processes as major long-term trends. The trend towards general deglobalization, expressed in the strengthening of national protectionism and manifested in the economic policy of nation-states, has become the most pronounced at the current stage. New international platforms have been sought to implement regulatory management actions in the face of new type of turbulence.

Impact of the “First Wave” of the Pandemic on Social Rights in the Countries of the European Union
While news of successful vaccine trials is encouraging, the prospect of long-term restrictions underscores the magnitude of a number of problems and challenges faced by all EU member states during the “first wave” of coronavirus infection. European leaders have come together in a series of measures and policies to support the European economy and society at the time of the declaration of the emergency. This situation underlines the particular importance of respecting the social rights of citizens. Social rights offer protection in many of the areas that most define our daily lives, including legally binding standards in education, employment and health care. This gives EU citizens the right to education, fair working conditions and access to preventive health care. The article traces the practice of how European countries apply the lessons learned from the “first wave” in order to minimize the negative impact on human rights. Several European governments have decided to expand income support schemes. To date, the authorities have expanded access to testing for COVID-19 in nursing homes, migration camps and other institutions. The authors highlight how the pandemic has affected fundamental rights, especially the social rights of society as a whole. The article describes some of the measures that EU member states have taken to protect the most vulnerable segment of society as Europe faces the “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic.

Covid-19 in Africa and Its Impact on African Migrants
The author focuses on the impact of Covid-19 on migration in African regions, as well as the effectiveness of mobility and the effective response of African political leadership. The article was prepared as a part of the Covid-19-Migrations news feed initiative, dedicated to issues, which the whole world and the African continent are facing.

Indonesian Government Bureaucracy Efforts to Prevent Covid-19 at the Beginning of the Pandemic Period
Since the World Health Organization declared the Corona Covid-19 virus as an epidemic, in the following, the Indonesian Government also stated that the Corona virus problem has become a non-natural national disaster. The President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Regional government together with their staff are helping one another in preventing the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Many government bureaucratic efforts have been made by issuing policies as the initial steps to prevent the spread of Covid-19. As the implementer of the bureaucracy, the Government always strives to provide effective public services in efforts to prevent the spread of the Corona Covid-19 virus in society. From the central level to the heads of the provinces, Regencies and even the municipal governments. This study applies the content analysis method, in which the content analysis is limited to newspaper media which convey information related to some policies information presented by each head of government, both in several regions and countries. The purpose of this research is to provide education to the public in dealing with global disasters and efforts to prevent them. The results show that the bureaucratic efforts of the central government and local governments through various policies have carried out many communication strategies for their respective regional communities through coercion, informative, expulsion, targeting, persuasion and excess techniques in message packages in the form of instructions, to the public to prevent Covid-19 in their area. However, the techniques of coercion up to the approval stage are enforced to prevent the effect of violations on offenders. The central government in this case has not maximized its roles in implementing a comprehensive communication strategy for all local governments. This is due to the absence of the National Command from the central government which seems to be slow in preventing the transmission of Covid-19, which has become a global disaster, including in Indonesia.

Public administration: theory and practice
How to Lead in Federal Government
In today’s workplace, especially in the midst of today’s challenging times, we must understand the values of resilience, communication, decision-making, team-building, and diversity. These core competencies contribute to the success of being a diligent leader within government agencies. These competencies make the difference between opportunity and performance, and promote a positive work environment. Government agencies must make sure they are creating inclusive, diverse, and equitable workplaces.

The Presidential Grants Fund as an Instrument of the Policy of Remembrance for the Great Patriotic War
The presented research is devoted to the study of the role of the Presidential Grants Fund in the implementation of the memorial policy in relation to the events of the Great Patriotic War. The methodological base of the study is formed through a combination of comparative and structural analysis. The author concludes that the activity of the Presidential Grants Fund on the field of memorial policy is built outside the context of a clear strategy for implementing the policy of memory. Currently, the Fund allocates funds primarily to support local and regional initiatives that are not linked to each other in a single system. There is a clear imbalance in the territorial distribution of grants in terms of their number and size in favor of projects of participants from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Part of the grants is allocated for the solution of tasks assigned by law to the sphere of responsibility of local self-government bodies (for example, this concerns projects for the improvement of military graves).

Peculiarities of the Contemporary State Youth Policies in Russia and the United States: Comparative Analysis
This article examines the main causes and processes for the development of US public youth policy due to legal regulation of governmental and public institutions. The research identifies the main legal terms used by American and Russian legislators and the systems of youth policy, analyze the mechanisms of functioning of state and public institutions for working with youth. In addition, the study provides examples of the implementation of youth policy in the United States and the Russian Federation at the federal, regional and municipal (local) levels.

Work Value, Knowledge Sharing, and Creative Performance among Construction Employees in Jakarta
This research aimed to indicate the effect of work values of construction employees towards creative performance and to assess the role of mediation about sharing the knowledge among those variables. This research involved 315 respondents from various construction companies in Jakarta for assessing hypothesis research. Knowledge sharing had the role as mediator among comfort and status dimensions from work values towards creative performance. This research provided information about effect of work values towards creative performance from construction industry and confirmed the role of knowledge sharing in mediating work values dimension.