
The How and Why of Creating the First Psi Chi Video
Karlin N.J.
Psi Chi at 90 Years: The International Honor Society in Psychology
Takooshian H.
How Psi Chi Became the International Honor Society in Psychology
Davis J.M.
Building Bridges: Psi Chi and International Psychology
McCormick M.A., Takooshian H., Denmark F.L., del Pilar Grazioso M., Velayo R.S., Wang A.Y., Zlokovich M.S.
PSI CHI at PFUR: First Russian Chapter of the International Honor Society in Psychology
Takooshian H., Novikova I.A., Chebotareva E.Y.
Psi Chi in Global World: Vision of 9 International Chapters
Takooshian H., Nieves-Lebrón Y., Delgado-Acosta B.M., Talavera P.D., Cruz-Bermúdez N.D., Rivers A.M., Grazioso M., Mejía M., Williams D., Sooknanan G., Hosein A., Tarkhova V.S., Kardashova S.Z., Kozhukhova Y.V., Choy T.L., Danielson K., Adonis M.N., Ioannou Y., Lima E.
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