The Existence of Mortality in the Russian-language Prose of Contemporary Tatar Writers

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The study is devoted to the consideration of the existence of mortality in the works of contemporary Russian-speaking Tatar writers (Salavat Yuzeev, Rustem Sabirov, Shamil Idiatullin, Albina Nurislamova, Guzel Yakhina), on the one hand, influencing the macropoetics of works, contributing to the complication of compositional structures, on the other hand, reflected in micropoetics (complexes of motives that actualize the thanatological code, lexical units expressing anti-vital reflection, the living-dead dichotomy). The mortal dimension is associated with the poetics and aesthetics of magical realism, the features and symptoms of which are found in the works of these authors. Particular emphasis in the article is placed on the interpretation of death in the works of the German art critic Franz Roh, who substantiated the category of anti-vitality as fundamental to magical realism. The poetics of death is associated with the existential orientation of the works. Conclusions are drawn that mortality is one of the main artistic constants in the works of these authors, which contributes to the consideration of the traditions of magical realism in their work.

About the authors

Diana Yu. Syryseva

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7956-4738
SPIN-code: 4568-0331

Junior Research Fellow, Department of Literatures of the Peoples of Russia and the CIS

25a, bldg 1, Povarskaya St, Moscow, 121069, Russian Federation


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