
Escape from Politics: Is There a Future for Youth Political Protests in Siberia and the Far East?
Kazantsev D.A.
Images of South Korea and Russia in the Mutual Representations of the Student Youth of Both Countries
Sorokina A.A., Katrich A.M., Shilina A.N.
Russia and China as Viewed by Russian and Chinese Youth
Sorokina A.A., Maximenkova M.S.
Regime Stability: the Mechanisms of Reinforcement in the Current Environment of Chinese Students
Sidorova A.V.
Knowledge Diplomacy as an Instrument of South Korea’s Foreign Policy: Theoretical Aspects and Practical Implementation in the Case of KOICA Scholarship Program
Varpahovskis E.
The Image of Europe in Political Perceptions of Moscow Students
Movsisyan A.A.
Perception of Patriotism by Schoolchildren of the Siberian Federal District
Aseeva T.A., Shashkova Y.Y.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Patriotic Education Programs by High School Students in the Regions of the Siberian Federal District
Aseev S.Y., Kachusov D.A.
International Educational Programs as an Instrument of Soft Power and Building Dialogue between States. Interview with Dario Battistella, Director for Research of Sciences Po Bordeaux (France)
Battistella D.
Great Patriotic War in School Literature: Features of Political Socialization of Students
Kuznetsov I.I.
Comparative Analysis of the Representations of the Great Patriotic War: Generational Aspects (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)
Filippov V.M., Puzanova Z.V., Larina T.I.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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