No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 15
- URL:
Natural Rate of Education as the Factor of Stability of Political Regime. Part I
The given article contains hypothesis about the increasing level of influence of the system of tertiary education on stability of political regime in many modern countries. In order to reveal the mechanism of such influence the author proposes the concept natural rate of education which reflects optimal balance between labor market and educational system from the perspective of avoidance and tackling of social protests and instability. The author supposes that the stabilizing function of the system of tertiary education is caused by its role of the specific regulator of labor market and its capability to involve millions of young males, providing them long-term occupation. Under the state policy this stabilizing function may be enormously exaggerated and even reach the point of extremum and become counterproductive. The article contains interdisciplinary approach, being on junction of political science and economics. The author uses selected methodological foundations of theory of human capital and introduces the following notions: educational pyramid, educational bubble, educational scissors and others.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):5-28

Regime Stability: the Mechanisms of Reinforcement in the Current Environment of Chinese Students
This article analyses the system of higher education in China at the current stage of its reform (1999-2010) to show the capacity of the educational sphere to reinforce the regime stability. The author highlights the forces of deterrence and inclusion in the state's strategy of managing students, and concludes on the balance of these two forces and their influence on the socio-political environment of educated youth.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):29-38

New Approaches of the European Union to the Internationalization of Higher Education
The article shows that the internationalization has become an essential attribute and component of the activity of any university and higher education in general for the relatively short period. For some countries and their regional associations the internationalization appears to be the key element of educational policy. The analysis of the new approaches which the EU uses to the internationalization of higher education reveals how the European Union uses the process of internationalization in order to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of its universities.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):39-49

Russian Civil Society: the Way of the Consolidation
The author sequentially defends in his publications the necessity to develop national humanities and political sciences, in particular to introduce the authentic category apparatus, to fill it with new content, to enrich what is already done but not to be satisfied with accepting western elaborations. S.G. Il'yinskaya offers to complement existing classification of state regimes with different types of contemporary social system. The division into society of values (procedural, regulated largely by law system methods) and society of an aim (mobilized, regulated largely by voluntarism methods) is developed. The principal idea of the article: we are not the worst and not the best, we are other, and there is no sense to refuse an own identity, not critically changing Russian reality using western patterns since on that way we are doomed to an eternal stamp of underdevelopment. The project of the future is understood by the author as a self-sufficient society of sense that is able to establish new aims, create new values. The main purpose that should be put today by civil society in Russia is to save Russian history.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):50-67

Features of Virtualization of Modern Public Policy in Russia
This article discusses the features of modern political communication and the problem of virtualization of today's public policy. The paper analyzes the brands as tools of mass political communication in the information space. In the given article is also considered specific political branding in modern Russia on the eve of the elections 2011-2012.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):68-74

Problems and Contradictions in Contemporary Russian Federalism
The article is devoted to contents of the Russian federalism, its problems and contradictions. The author analyses complex interrelationships between the centre and regions and studies contradictions between constitutional norms in guaranteeing sovereignty of the state and real content in fulfilling the status of state.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):75-81

Political Centrism: Polish Version
Party - society - democracy, this link provides success in the election in each country. This article discusses the experience of Poland, where under the guidance of the Prime-Minister Donald Tusk was formed a centrist program, Civic Platform. Projection of institutional, ideological, technological features of this program is quite appropriate on today's Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):82-88

Government and Business in the Russian Regions: New Vector for the Modernization of Rel
This article analyzes current trends in the development of relations between government and business in Russia's regions. It also reviews current trends in relations between business and government in the Russian regions, changes of priorities and formats of potential interactions.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):89-99

Soheib Bencheikh: Liberal Model of the European Islam
The article deals with socio-political views of one of the representatives of European Islam, popular in France religious leader and philosopher Soheib Bencheikh. Continuing to fulfill a function of «intellectual mediator», he has slightly lost his talent of the «excellent communicator» between different layers of French society. Meanwhile, liberal reformism has not exhausted its ideological and resource potential and interest in it will be retained. That is conditioned by both assimilation processes in the Europe and social instability in the Islamic world.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):100-112

The Influence of Polarization of American Society on Nature and Interests of Political Parties of The USA
The article is dedicated to analysis and comparison of arrangement and socio-political function of democratic and republican parties of the USA. The main stress is made on ideological vectors of both parties and also on the role of geographical position and interests of the USA population which influence forming of the political platforms of the parties.
The main goal of the article is to demonstrate the growth of polarization of American society closely associated with the growth of parties' emphasis on target audience and differences in financial policy.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):113-121

Some Features of the Language Policy and Problems of Functioning of Russian Language in the Commonwealth of Independent States
The article is devoted to the analysis of functioning of policy in the sphere of languages of national minorities in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The author analyses a legislative, social and politico-legal basis of the question, and also allocates some problems and variants of development of Russian language in the Commonwealth of Independent States.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):122-126

Media Monopolies And Political Competition
The article assesses the impact of information TNCs on the political process and public opinion in Western countries. In the global context relationships of media giants are characterized by on the one hand, as a highly competitive, and by another - as a concerted effort to capture and regulate the information market and planting of basic ideological tenets of neoliberalism. Without advertising support socially-oriented media would disappear from media space, and freedom of information is increasingly becoming a utopia. The era of globalized information begins protecting the interests of big business and ruling circles in the West, and imposing a single world view on key problems of the contemporary world order. New information technologies, electronic media, blogs break the monopoly of information media TNCs and facilitate the development of democracy and civil society.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):134-145

«Soft Power»: the Updated Theoretical Concept and Russian Assembly Model
The article is dedicated to critically important informational and ideological aspects of Russia's foreign policy. The goal is to revise and specify the notion soft power in the context of rapidly changing space of global politics.
During the last years international isolation of Russia, including informational and ideological sphere is increasing. The way to overcome this negative trend is modernization of foreign policy strategy on the basis of updating of operational tools and ideological accents. It's becoming obvious that the real foreign policy success in the global world system is achieved by the use of soft power.
The author tries to specify and conceptualize the phenomenon of Russia's soft power as a purposeful external ideology facing the urgent need of updating.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):146-155

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(4):156-157