
The Political Subjectivity of Digital Actors in the Context of Ensuring Digital Sovereignty
Romashkina A.B., Kirichuk D.A.
After Post-Modernity: Discussion Points Against the Background of Global Transformations
Evstafiev D.G., Tsyganova L.A.
The State’s Strategy to Strengthen the Russian Macropolitical Identity in the Digital Space: Dynamics and Prospects
Iokhim A.N.
Russian Civilizational Identity as the Basis of Value Integrity and State Policy
Mchedlova M.M.
The Concept of the Political as a Space of Conceptual Controversies and Theoretical Debates
Prigorian N.
Desovereignization and the Loss of Political Subjectivity by the State
Minaev A.V.
The Сoncept of Сyber Sovereignty of the People’s Republic of China: Development History and Essence
Mikhalevich E.A.
Supranational in the European Union and the Sovereignty of Member States
Mescheryakova O.M.
The Competition State Today: from the National to the Global Interests
Lagutina E.S.
The Problem of Formation of Civil Society in Russia
Pochta Y.M., Oberemko T.V.
After the Referendum: “Rule, Britannia” or “Scotland the Brave”?
Gamper A.
Typology Of Up-To-Date States Considering The Present Condition Of The Statehood Of The Republic Of South Ossetia
Pliev S.M.
Political Values in the European Post-Soviet Space: Identity and Sovereignty in the Face of Integration Processes
Pankevich N.V.
Some Aspects Of Russian-Kazakhstan Relations (Political Analysis)
Sagindikov P.E.
Humanitarian Intervention and the New Dimensions of the Concept of State Sovereignty
Baranin J.
The End of Globalization: Reasons and Consequences
Dutkiewicz P., Kazarinova D.B.
Rethinking The Category Of Revolution
Ilinskaya S.G.
1 - 17 of 17 Items

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