
The State’s Strategy to Strengthen the Russian Macropolitical Identity in the Digital Space: Dynamics and Prospects
Iokhim A.N.
The Russian Identity in Southern Siberian Republics: Transformation Dynamics and Basis Perception According to the Opinion Polls of 2013-2019
Aksiutin Y.M.
“Moscovites” - “Non-Moscovites”: from the dichotomy of opposition to the search for identity
Pochta Y.M.
Russian Regions in Political Research and Identity Studies: Introducing the Issue
Mchedlova M.M., Sokolov A.V.
Images of “Us” and “Others” as a Factor in the Identification of Citizens in the Context of the Reintegration of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation
Evgenieva T.V., Smulkina N.V.
‘New’ Russian North: The Historical Province Amidst оf Social and Political Problems
Shabaev Y.P.
The Value-Worldview Foundations of Politics: Conceptual Understanding and Prospects for Empirical Study. Introducing the Issue
Selezneva A.V.
Ilinskaya S.G.
Russian Civil Society: the Way of the Consolidation
Il'inskaya S.G.
The Image of Russia in the Russian Television (Research Conducted in 2017-2019)
Vinogradova N.S.
XXII World Congress of International Political Science Organization in Spain: “Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries”
Irhin Y.V.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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