The Value-Worldview Foundations of Politics: Conceptual Understanding and Prospects for Empirical Study. Introducing the Issue

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From the point of view of political science, the formation of a worldview is associated with a person’s awareness of himself in the surrounding socio-political reality, the development of a certain value attitude towards the objects present in it and the building of his own model of interaction with them. The semantic basis of a worldview is values, including political ones, which exist in the form of social ideals, shared by members of social groups or society, ideas about excellence in politics, or personal life orientations of an individual. Axiological guidelines for the development of a country are determined by national or traditional values. Having defined the content and semantic content of the concepts of «worldview», «ideology» and «identity», denoting interrelated socio-cultural and political-psychological phenomena based on values, the author offers a model of their conceptual coupling, reveals the semantic and instrumental aspects of the process of their formation. The formation of the value and worldview system of society is a long-term process, the nature and course of which is determined by the political and cultural traditions of the nation, the actual context of people’s life and the strategic objectives of the country’s development. The processes of formation of value and worldview systems of an individual and society are interconnected and interdependent.

About the authors

Antonina V. Selezneva

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2500-6356

Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Political Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Political Science

Moscow, Russian Federation


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