
The Time of Troubles in Russia: from the Revolution to the Restoration
Letnyakov D.E.
Modernization vs Demodernization as Theoretical-Methodological Aspects of Transformational Process
Krotkov V.O.
Civil society and state in the age of modernization: political dimension
Gainutdinova L.A.
Genesis and Development of Local Self-Management in Russia in Soviet Era
Popov S.I.
The Contradictions of the Modern Version of Russian Federalism: Instability of the System
Alekhnovich S.O., Pashenskaya R.A., Slizovsky D.E.
Thesis of the round table: «Civil society: theory and modern practice in world's and Russia's dimensions»
Methods of Strategic Planning in Management of ModernMunicipality
Tkachenko A.E.
Civic Initiative As a Factor Of The Improvement Of The State And Municipal Management In The Russian Federation
Yagodka N.N.
Asian Values: Basic Contentions And Possible Counterarguments
Batygin K.V.
Features and Mechanisms for Ensuring Social and Political Stability in Contemporary Chinese Society
Sushchenko M.A.
Thesis of the Round Table: «Civil Society: New Dimensions and the Political Role in the Modern World»
Gutorov V.A.
Bureaucracy in the Processes of Modernization: a Subject or a Barrier?
Ignatiev I.S.
1 - 13 of 13 Items

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