No 2 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 17
- URL:

Transformation of the Institute of Public (civil) Service in Post-soviet Russia in the Context of Dynamics of Political Regimes
This article is about the transformation of the institute of public service in post-Soviet Russia. Politological approach focuses on the transformation processes in the context of the post-Soviet political changes, evolution of the political system and state-management practices.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):45-58

Problems and Tendencies of Development of Political and Legal Environment of Public-private Partnership in Russia
The article is dedicated to the study o/f political and legal terms for Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) development while PPP becomes the issue of today for Russian political and social-economic life. The article covers particularly the analysis of the effective legislation of PPP at the federal and regional levels and appraisal of the current political trends regarding the development of legal partnership between the government and companies in the connection with the legislation. The author provides research especially of the prospects of the PPP federal Draft Law and reveals key specifics and problems of the legal environment of PPP in districts of the Russian Federation.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):59-70

Russia’s Policy in the Caspian Region: the Present Stage
The article considers the evolution of foreign policy of Russia in the Caspian Region at the present stage (1991—2012). It analyzes the changes in the Russian foreign policy approaches to the key problems of the region: international legal status of the Caspian Sea, extraction and transportation of the Caspian hydrocarbon resources, militarization and ecology.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):71-92

The Problems of Policy and Strategy of National Security of Russia in Transcaucasia
The author characterizes the geopolitical situation in Transcaucasia at the beginning of ХХI century which is defined by the processes that occur in each of the Transcaucasian states (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia), in relations between them and between each of these states and Russia. The peculiarities of interaction and cooperation of Transcaucasian states with leading world powers are also analyzed by the author.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):93-104

The Evaluation of Policy of Counteraction of Drug Trafficking from Afghanistan
The article is devoted to analysis of the main drug trafficking routes from Afghanistan, in particular “northern route”, which passes through states of the former Soviet Union. The control of the route is a critical point in the policy to stop drug trafficking.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):105-109

Political and Military Cooperation Between Armenia and Russia in the Framework of Regional Security Issues of South Caucasus
In this article the author examines the issues of military-political cooperation between Armenia and Russia. The CSTO is an effective format of military-technical and military-economic cooperation for common reaction to security threats of its members, which is an important factor in maintaining security and stability in the South Caucasus.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):110-118

Main Approaches to the Complex Design of the Political Image of the State
The article contains analysis of approaches to the study of political image of the state in such disciplines as international relations, communications, public relations, marketing. It also determines the specificity of each approach and the most important aspects in demand for design practices. The article underlines the necessity of complex use of the achievements of various disciplines to improve existing methods.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):119-127

On Specifics of Human Development: Metaqualification As a Factor of Adaptation to Political, Economic and Social Changes
In this article the challenges which society face in the XXI century are analyzed. The author describes such processes of adaptation occurring in societies as shifting of priorities in the educational process, appearance of the new approaches to professional qualification, and the perception changes of the role of human intelligence.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):128-133

The Importance of Interdisciplinary Approach in Preparation of Effective Migration Policy
The author states that not only qualitative and quantitative indices of migration require scientific attention, but also migration consequences as they have an impact both on the lives of migrants, indigenous people, and on the social, demographic, economic and political situation in the world as a whole.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):134-137

“Jaspers’ Scandal” and “Fischer’s Controversy” as the Central Elements of the “Historical Policy” in Western Germany of the 1960th
The author considers the first significant historical and political debates of the post-war period which has touched on the most acute issues of existence of Western Germany and its historical heritage. The essay presented the analysis of its influence on the historical consciousness of the citizens and on Germany’s political life.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):138-147

Asian Values: Basic Contentions And Possible Counterarguments
The present article provides a retrospective of the “Asian values” debate which can be traced to the late 20 th century with the contemporary topical statements from Southeast Asian political actors, most notably those of Singapore and Malaysia, acting as a starting point. The declamatory proclamations of Southeast Asian political leaders and the numerous articles by esteemed scholars provide a fascinating literary landscape which the author attempts to traverse in the aim of producing what could be considered the concept's most important principals. Still, it is the contention of the author that “Asian values” represent the reaction of a select number of political leaders and thinkers in light of the so-called "Southeast Asian economic miracle". Consequently, a review of various critical statements dealing with the viability of the concept provides the highlight of the article.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):148-156

Social Networks As Internet-technologies in Electoral Campaigns: the International View
Social networks as internet-technologies became a useful instrument for politicians during the electoral campaigns. The main reason for that is the fact that social networks today are the next step in development of communications between people. In the article the author investigates the history of social networks, different cases of application of social networks in electoral campaigns.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):157-163

The Influence of Communicative Mechanisms on Ethno-political Sphere
While studying the socio-political and ethnic processes of modernity, it is important to consider the trend of globalization and informatization that affects all spheres of social life. The article is aimed at analyzing the peculiarities of the formation of public opinion and the activities of the mass media in ethnopolitical conflicts, and at determining the optimal model of mass media operation in multi-ethnic states.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):179-188

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(2):189-190