Vol 19, No 2 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/political-science/issue/view/967
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1438-2017-19-2
Full Issue
Illegal Migration and the Risks of Terrorism in the Republic of Ingushetia
In this article the authors analyze the extent and nature of illegal migration in modern Ingushetia. It noted the relationship of illegal migration and terrorism, proposed a strategy to combat this phenomenon. The authors analyzed the socio-political problems arising from uncontrolled migration flows into the country. In recent years, illegal migration in the Republic of Ingushetia has become a frequent phenomenon. Illegal migration is a real threat to regional and national security of the Russian Federation. The authors propose the concept that migration policy should be guided first and foremost the interests of national security, preservation of socio-political stability and the integrity of the territory of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it is crucial interaction of state and law enforcement agencies of all the countries involved: the outcome of, and transit of illegal migrants settling. The current socio-political conditions of life of the Ingush society, increased uncontrolled migration, national security require a tightening of migration policy.

Political Dimension of Heritage Preservation in Russia: Case of Moscow Movement Arkhnadzor
During the last decade cultural issues are being discussed in the Russian public sphere and have become the inherent part of the political agenda both at federal and regional levels. Heritage preservation is an element of cultural policy at large. This article answers two questions. Is there political dimension of heritage preservation? What could be the precondition of politization/depolitization in the field of heritage preservation? In order to answer both questions the author analyzes norms of international law in the field of heritage preservation and also he traced the evolution of the terms heritage and heritage site. Additionally, author analyzes activities of Moscow heritage movement Arkhnadzor as an attempt to find out the political dimension of it. In this paper the issues of heritage conservation were analyzed through the lens of political science and advocacy theory which makes this research new and specific.

The Problems of Small States on the Example of the Baltic States in the Works of Russian Researchers
The article provides an overview of national research on the problems of the Baltic states and the development of small states and their role in international relations. It revealed a deficit of political work on this topic. There are no comprehensive studies that would enable to carry out a deep analysis of the cause-effect relationship in elite activities. This creates the risk of closure of the study power groups in small states mainly in intra-factors. Author emphasized the prospect of deeper analytical study of the small states of the concept in relation to the Baltic states taking into account their active participation in political processes in post-Soviet space. The concept of a small states and the political elite, leading a small state, it is one of the potential growth points of theoretical knowledge with the latest trends in the development of the political realities in the national and international levels.

Features and Mechanisms for Ensuring Social and Political Stability in Contemporary Chinese Society
This article discusses the features and mechanisms of ensuring and maintaining social and political stability in China. Analyzes the scientific theoretical foundation in the study of this phenomenon, developed by Russian and Chinese scientists. Political stability in contemporary China is understood as a precondition for effective social and economic development. The paper studied the treatment of leadership in China from different generations to tools approval of social and political stability as a way of implementing the modernization program of the political course. It has been found that maintaining the political stability of the society in modern China made possible by the harmonization of public relations, flexible national policy, economic growth, trends in socio-economic development and the use of ideological tools. The author studied the basic mechanisms of the stability of the political system of China at the present stage. It is concluded that a stable political development in contemporary China strengthens the regime and the preservation of the monopoly of the CCP to political power.

Trans-Regional Partnership of the BRICS Countries as a Factor of Modern World Politics
The article is devoted to the existing problematic issues and future directions of cooperation of BRICS members in the association. The article stresses the need for timely and rapid transition from a traditional way of raw and industrial to innovation and industrial and high-tech economic. In addition, we addressed the priority issues and challenges of each country and the necessity of combining their joint solutions in the key expansion of mutual cooperation and maximize coordination. BRICS brings together the need for modernization and economic and social life. The article raised the issue of Russia's interests in the BRICS in the light of the present political situation in the world.

Brexit: the Assumptions, Factors and Prospects

The Processes of Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization of Political Science in Central Asia on the Example of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
Political science is a relatively new science in Central Asian countries. The formation of the science began at the end of the 20th century. Based on Central Asian republics’ practice of state building and cultural and value heritage, a certain scientific and theoretical basis of political science has been developed over the past period. In addition, an institutional structure has been created that allows conducting research and analytical activities in the sphere of politics. However, despite initial successes in the process of institutionalization, in the countries of Central Asia political science still needs to develop and resolve existing problems.

Transformation of Political Values in the EU: Pros and Cons. The Papers of the “Round-table” Debate of the Lecturers and Students of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Round table debate “Transformation of political values in the EU: pros and cons” was held on February 13 2017 on the Faculty of the humanities and social sciences of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). The “Round-table” debate has been realized in the frame of the project “Transformation of the social and political values: the EU practice” (project number: 575361-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE), Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions. Jean Monnet Module “Transformation of the social and political values: the EU practice”.