No 3 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 10
- URL:
The Muslim World: the Role of the Institution of Civil Society in the Process of Forced Democratization
In this paper the possibility of application of the concept of civil society to the Muslim community on an example of societies of North Africa and the Middle East is discussed. Much attention is paid to the USA foreign policy in this region based on the concepts of liberalism, political realism and social constructivism. The author also used such concepts and approaches as civilization, globalization, promotion of democracy, democratic peace, forced democratization, controlled chaos.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):5-18

Bolotnaya Square or the Wind of Changes (a Social-Politic Analysis of Mass Protests Phenomenon in Russia in the Beginning of the Second Decade of the XXI Century)
Phenomenon of mass protests has become a revelation, as a backdrop of the celebrated events of the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012. For some, this revelation was found first of all not too pleasant, to others it gave hope for changes. As the beginning of the unexpected splash of mass civil activity became a protest meeting at the Bolotnaya square, which gathered an unbelievable amount of members for the latest Russian history - more than 40000 people. Strictly concurrent struggle during elections in 2011, including a dominant advance in resources of governing party and considerable violations at the elections, became a detonator of the future events. However, the basic causes of this phenomenon were deeper and more serious, in the author's judgment.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):19-29

Thesis of the Round Table: «Civil Society: New Dimensions and the Political Role in the Modern World»
On 9 of September 2012 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the PFUR was held the round table «Civil Society: New Dimensions and the Political Role in the Modern World». This event was prepared by the Department of Comparative Politics of the PFUR.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):30-45

The Influence of Dynamics of Export on the Level of Political Stability (on Example of Russia)
In the given article there are analyzed the mechanisms and patterns of the influence of dynamics of external economic parameters of a country on the level of stability of its political regime. The author supposes that the most valid economic indicator and predictor of instability is volume of exports. Export possesses so much socio-political importance not only because of its role as an engine of economy but also as a vital factor of external economic durability of a country. The analysis of the discovered regularity is carried out on the example of the three periods of modern Russian history, two of which resulted in revolutions: 1) the period of 1905-1917; 2) 1985-1991; 3) the modern period (1991-2012).
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):46-70

History, Politics and Practice of Public-Private Partnership in the Basic Models of Interaction Between Government and Business
Public-private partnership is a new institute of collaboration between business and government for Russia. Formulated in 2004, the position of top officials on this matter gave a significant acceleration to the process of launching projects using the PPP. But due to lack of necessary experience and knowledge there is often a substitution of notions. This entails the disruption of important projects for the national economy.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):71-79

Vector of Militarism in the Formation of the Subjects of International Politics in the Post-Soviet Space
The article considers the impact of militarization on the process of becoming subjects of international politics in post-Soviet space. The background and reasons of the impact of the military factor on international relations since the end of the cold war are revealed. The effects of the militarization of foreign policy for Russia's national interests are studied.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):80-87

Special Features of Federal Council: From the First Convocation up to Nowdays
The article is viewing the history of Russian Federal Council creation, principles of it's forming at the different stages of the modern political process in Russia. The author analyses actual problems of the Russian Parliament upper chamber forming, researches premises and gives proposes of coming back to the Federal Council direct elections.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):88-96

Social Advertising Administering Russian Politics
The article analyzes the phenomenon of «politicization» of social advertising (public service announcements). Social advertising used in political purposes became a political technology that undermines its original value as the source of promotion of humanistic values and ideas. The article presents a comparative analysis of the social and political advertising: species, genre, communication, legislative regulation. The article presents the case studies analysis of using PSA's in Russian politics.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):97-109

The Results of the Integration of the Regulatory Impact Assessment of Draft Regulations in the System of Russian Public Administration
In the given article the regulatory impact assessment of draft laws and regulations - an analytical procedure for public decision-making, institutionalized in a number of Western countries, is considered. The paper provides analysis of the results of the integration of the Regulatory Impact Assessment of draft regulations in the system of Russian public administration.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):110-120

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(3):121-122