Twin Cities Movement in the Development of Regional Policy: The Experience of the New Territories
- Authors: Volkova A.V.1, Kulakova T.A.1
- St. Petersburg State University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 3 (2023): Political Urban and Rural Studies
- Pages: 581-600
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The institute of twin cities faces serious challenges due to the developing international crisis, when urban diplomacy, and successful practices of interstate civil cooperation, perceived for decades as unshakable and value-oriented, have been subjected to “suspension” or “cancellation”. On the other hand, the territorial changes of 2022, the entry of new territories into Russia, and the establishment of twinning relations between Russian cities and the cities of the Donbass region give the twin cities institute a new meaning and important political and cultural value. The formation and development of the twin cities’ axiosphere is an important factor in the development of interregional cooperation and the “linking” of Russian territories. The research is interdisciplinary. It deals with various issues of public policy, social philosophy, cultural studies, ethics, and economics. We discuss the specifics of a developing digital society and consider issues of regional governance from the standpoint of the axiological approach. The authors note the importance of civic initiatives and movements, social media, whose activities are aimed at maintaining the social sphere and forming a digital environment of trust, at intensifying urban, civic network cooperation as a counterbalance to the aggressive network practices of modern anti-Russian narratives.
About the authors
Anna V. Volkova
St. Petersburg State University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3687-5728
Doctor of Science in Political Sciences, Professor, Department of Political Governance of the Faculty of Political Science
Saint-Petersburg, Russian FederationTatyana A. Kulakova
St. Petersburg State University
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3386-8079
Doctor of Science in Political Sciences, Professor, Department of Political Governance of the Faculty of Political Science
Saint-Petersburg, Russian FederationReferences
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