Upbringing as an Educational Result: A Value-Based Approach to Assessment in the General Education System
- Authors: Bryzgalina E.V.1, Stanchenko S.V.2
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Federal Institute for Evaluation of Education Quality (FIEEQ)
- Pages: 574-588
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/philosophy/article/view/29690
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2021-25-4-574-588
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The aim of this article is to describe the basic parameters of a value-oriented approach to assessing the education results as a possible basis for the methodology for assessment of the educational work in the general system of education. The key methods we used were content analysis of text sources, cross-reference analysis, comparative analysis, and humanitarian examination of juristic documents. The interpretation of education as a unity of teaching and upbringing for the state as a key subject of education, which forms the requirements for the results and organization of the educational process, sets the task of assessing personal, subject and metasubject educational results. The philosophy of education faces a challenge regarding the determination of the expediency of assessing educational results, the conceptual basis of assessment, fixing the orientation of assessment on the conditions of educational organzations' activities, and (or) on the results achieved by students. A practical managerial task is to develop an attitude towards using formalized procedures and methods for assessing educational results. The article proposes a value-oriented approach to assessing the educational work in the general education system of the Russian Federation based on an analysis of key regulatory documents of the Russian education system, the interpretation of upbringing as a process of forming value-semantic attitudes. The approach is based on identifying three main groups of value orientations to build a possible system of indicators that fix educational results: "Value orientations related to life, health and safety"; "Value orientations of social interaction"; "Value orientations of personal development". Values are an essential element in regulating human behavior, which guides the process of defining goals and choosing the means to achieve them. Values acquire a functional character in value orientations and can serve as indicators of education results at the level of students as a collective subject. It seems impossible to single out the contribution of individual actors to the output of education and to avoid contradictions between the value-semantic attitudes that exist in the space of modern culture. For the education system, the subject of assessing the quality of upbringing as a purposeful process can be both the quality of the organization of upbringing work and the outcomes of upbringing efforts. The results of education as a manifestation of value orientations in the activities of students can be considered based on quantitative and qualitative indicators, which is significant for making managerial decisions at different levels.
About the authors
Elena V. Bryzgalina
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: evbrz@yandex.ru
Candidate of Science in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Philosophy of Education
27-4, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationSergey V. Stanchenko
Federal Institute for Evaluation of Education Quality (FIEEQ)
Email: stanch@yandex.ru
Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Director
33 Shabolovka St., Moscow, 115162, Russian FederationReferences
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