No 2 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 14
- URL:
German Classical Music in F. Dostoyevskiy's Creative Perception
The article is devoted to the analysis of F. Dostoyevskiy's personal and creative preferences in the field of German classical music. The authors find out the facts demonstrating the influence of German composers' creative activity on forming the Russian writer's esthetic views.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):5-10

Hero-keepers in Sholokhov's prose
The author asserts that Sholohov's heroes playing the part of keepers of traditional values are represented in rich variety of hypostases: patriarchal fathers; mothers, army officers, and the ones protecting corporate honor and dignity. As for the balance between the male and female keepers of the traditional, remarkable redistribution of accents occurs in Sholokhov's prose: the leading place is gradually ceased to mothers. This reflects significant changes in the people's existence.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):11-19

The appearance of political PR technologies on the example of electoral campaign to the first State Duma of the Russian Empire in 1906
The article examines the specifics of appearance of political PR technologies in pre-Revolutionary Russia on the example of electoral campaign to the first State Duma of the Russian Empire in 1906. As the main determining PR documents a range of essential legislative acts was studied. These acts determine the rules of political struggle, relations between the power and people as well as reasons which made authority to declare given bills.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):27-35

Media and power: the same field players
The paper deals with the problems of current Russian press. The situation have formed in eighteen century when people had no press friedom. Russian media have came some stages from much liberty to little liberty. The author analyses several newspapers investigated their rilation with another three branch of goverment.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):36-45

The peculiarities of development in Chinese modern documentary film
Documentary film is a important way of diffusion. The Chinese documentary film has glorious traditions. Nowadays, film televised documentary is developing in a way of diversity. Film and televised documentary are join together. The domestic documentary has integrated with the foreign documentary. The official and folk documentary are relatively complemented. The traditional documentary coexists with the modern one. In the wake of developments in science and technology, the Chinese documentary workers will get more and more advanced techniques in recording, and there will be more and more people to do the documentary films.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):67-71

Western journalism in China (XX-XXI centuries)
The article is devoted to the western news corporations' activity in China during the last century (XX century) and analyses their strategies and methods of covering Chinese reality. The paper is focused on two prominent leaders among western media in the country - Time Inc. and the News Corporation. Special attention is given to a number of talented «china hands» who started their careers in these news corporations and made a great impact on the international journalism.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):72-82

Evolution of the American Sports Journalism
In this clause evolution of the American sports journalism and its functions in a view of development of the American history and history of the American sports is considered. At different historical stages it is possible to trace evolution both the American mass-media, and genres of journalism. In clause large representatives of the American sports journalism who the materials influenced not only development of journalism, but also the American literature are resulted.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):90-97

To question of forming of democratic journalism in Mongolia
In the article of professor Z. Maulet is given description of basic directions activity of modern mediasisteme Mongolia. Influencing, which was rendered change in development of the Mongolian state on the processes of privatization of MASS-MEDIA, creation of the politically profiled press, enriching of typology MASS-MEDIA, is also examined in it.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):98-103

Foreign and national sources of information in the African countries
The relationship of foreign and national sources of information in African countries is being considered in this article (printed and audiovisual mass-media).
The acquisition of technical means of information transfer (including satellite and digital television) can not be considered decolonization yet in the sphere of mass-media, if exported information product are still being out through it. In the opinion of the author, at the corners head of the restructucturing of informational relationships in African countries shold stand the problem of decolonization of informational sources and contents.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):104-110

The practice of creation negative narrative during the regionalelections
The author has been analyzing some elections campaigns in the view of creation political narrative by the common candidates during the regional elections. The narrative is opposed to the catchword: constituency don't trust the political advertisement and the catchwords any more. But they are still paying attention to some «life history».
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2008;(2):111-118