Vol 23, No 4 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/issue/view/1156
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2018-23-4
Full Issue
Autobiografical elements and narrator-protagonist in the novel of Gaito Gazdanov “An evening with Claire”
This article explores the features of the autobiographical novel and gives a brief overview of the history of the appearance of the autobiography and the debate about it as an independent literary genre. The emphasis here is on revealing the elements of autobiography in the first novel by the writer of the first wave of emigration Gaito Gazdanov “An evening with Claire” in the framework of the criteria typical for the poetics of memoirs and autobiographical prose. For this work, the autobiographical pact, principles of which were defined by the theorist of autobiography Philippe Lejeune has special significance.

The Moscow housing problem of 1920s in the stories and feuilletons of Mikhail Bulgakov
At the beginning of the 1920s Moscow was in the middle of a housing crisis: after the revolution the housing resources in Moscow have decreased, while the population has increased. The housing shortage has become the sign of decade and has been treated therefore in many satirical magazines by Sergei Garin, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Pantelejmon Romanov and other satirists. Mikhail Bulgakov, who went through this crisis himself, also belonged to these satirists. The present article deals with Bulgakovs feuilletons and stories which treat the housing question in Moscow. The analysis includes following stories and feuilletons: “Vospominanie”, “Stolitsa v bloknote”, “Ploshchad’ na kolesakh”, “Moskva 20-kh godov”, “Moskovskie stseny”, “Samogonnoe ozero”, “Nr. 13 — Dom Ėlpit-Rabkommuna”.

Reflections about revolution in A. Varlamov and E. Vodolazkin’s creativity (“Mental wolf” and “Aviator”)
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the ideas of revolution expressed in novels “Mental Wolf” by A. Varlamov (2014) and “Aviator” by E. Vodolazkin (2017). Essentially various is an approach of two writers to interpretation of revolution: Varlamov expresses his own understanding in “Mental Wolf”, Vodolazkin in “Aviator” aims to express only possible vision of revolution by one of contemporaries of those far events. At the same time, both the similarity and cardinal divergences in interpretation of a subject of revolution in the called novels are detected. The community is that both authors’ perception of revolution is tragic: it is interpreted as a change which has caused deeply destructive consequences. In assessment of the essence of revolution for the hero of “Aviator” defining there is a moral vector while in “Mental Wolf”, on the contrary, idea of revolution is closely linked to the non-moral, spontaneous aspect. In the analysis of the novel “Mental Wolf” both parallels and basic divergences with the concepts of revolution created in literature of the first decades of the 20th century are revealed (A. Blok, B. Pilnyak, etc.). In article it is proved, that both A.Varlamov and E. Vodolazkin, reflecting on events of 1917, set as the purpose the judgment of certain key regularities of national history (“Mental Wolf”) and also the principles of relationship between the personality and history in general (“Aviator”). Analyzing a problem and thematic complex and art specifics of the called novels, the author of article proves a statement about a neomodernist vector of thinking of both writers.

Functions of the anthroponyms in the novels by Dina Rubina “Belaya golubka Kordovy” (The white dove of Cordoba”) and “Sindrom Petrushki” (The Punch Syndrome)
The article is devoted to the anthroponym function of the name “Silva” in two novels by Dina Rubina: “Belaya golubka Kordovy” (“The white dove of Cordoba”, 2009) and “Sindrom Petrushki” (“The Punch Syndrome”, 2010). The name “Silva” is repeated in the texts of these works and there are two characters which have it - in the first novel it’s a woman, in the second one it’s a man and the functions of these two characters are similar. The plot analysis and the character details comparison allows us to see the function homology: Silvas help to the main characters to “come to themselves”, “see themselves as are” and to “find themselves”. The novels “Belaya golubka Kordovy” (“The white dove of Cordoba”) and “Sindrom Petrushki” (“The Punch Syndrome”) are the parts of the trilogy “Lyudi vozdukha” (“Air people”), the main theme of which is the description of the people who have unusual characteristics. The “Silvas” characters help to the main character to compensate this “unusuality” and to have a chance for a “normal” life. The images of Silvas take to the text the motives of “alien name”, “alien child” and the theme of father-child relationship. Besides the episode function of the “Silvas” both characters concentrate in themselves the motives which are communicated with the fate of the main hero, tragic o happy final of the novel. The name “Silva” also has an intertextual communication with the “Silva” (“Chardash Queen”) operetta, the plot of which is also used in the novels “Belaya golubka Kordovy” (“The white dove of Cordoba”) and “Sindrom Petrushki” (“The Punch Syndrome”) by Dina Rubina.

Virtual and media reality: trends and forecasts of media system evolution
Interest of the authors focuses on the process of introduction and test of different types of virtual reality in sphere of mass media. In the framework of the active integration and update of new digital technologies whose development is pushed by technogenic revolution, media industry becomes a kind of platform to test innovative projects which brings the dynamics to development of the civilization based on digital economy. Currently the most prospective innovations are artificial intelligence, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). VR considered as a new communicative format introduces fundamental changes to the media system, demands to review radically the approaches of production and consumption of media content and causes conflict situations. That is why theoretical understanding and description of those changes is required and should be based on interdisciplinary approach. The purpose of the article is to highlight and update social aspects of VR implementation, initiate the discussion what is relevant for number of humanitarian scientific studies.

Political media memes as simulacra in media
The purpose of the article is to analyze the political media memes’ structure and to compare them with simulacra according to the theory of Jean Baudrillard. We consider, that media memes have a clear structure via they could spread in social media. This structure also allows media memes to spread in media. Through analysis of political media memes’ spreading, generating and evolution as viral units, we could understand post-truth policy. Comparison of political media memes with simulacra could became one more step to better understanding of viral information and post-truth.

Issues of content rating system on Russian TV channels
The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted in January-February 2018, aimed to reveal how Russian television channels are implementing the requirements of the law “On Protection of Children against Information Detrimental to Their Health and Development”. We conducted a review of more than 45,000 broadcasting elements (TV programs, movies, serials, cartoons, etc.), which were aired in early 2018. It turned out that more than half of them did not have any age rating information; also TV channels often used the “16+” mark, although broadcasting elements with it in the interval from 7 AM to 21 PM is a violation of the law; while broadcasting programs rated as “18+” was without any violations. The obtained results allow us to draw a conclusion that this law needs to be improved and the professional training should be held for its competent use in the broadcasting.

The key topics of TV show “Let them talk”
The article presents the results of the thematic analysis of the TV talk show “Let them talk” (within the season 2017) - the highest rated program of the First Channel. The main goal is to identify the real values promoted by its creators and participants to the public. The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that the federal television in modern Russia reproducts the socially significant patterns of thinking and behavior of citizens in an attempt to unite society on the basis of common values. If the program “Let them talk”, according to its authors’ attitudes, brings to discussion the sensible subjects for “all of the Russians without exception”, there is a reason to discover and comprehend the explicit and implicit subjects using the content analysis and thematic analysis. As a result of our analysis we identified the values’ paradox: though the word “child” was the most mentioned in season 2017 the narrative role attributed to the children in the TV-show in question is to be “Me Guffin” (A. Hitchcock’s terminology). The substance of the above-mentioned paradox is that the child itself is important only as a tool for achieving the goal and at the same time the child is often the reason of conflicts between the show participants. The main results of the study were presented in english as a paper “Let Them Talk as Encyclopedia of Russian Life: Latent Accursed Questions on Russian Television (2017)” for the the Eighth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern problems of linguistics and didactics: Interdisciplinary approach in the humanities and social sciences”.

Media convergence as a growth factor connected with cases of language norm violations in mass media
In 2009-2017 years E.A. Baranova talked with journalists, editors and top managers of Russian media companies on topics related to the development of media convergence in the newsrooms of Russia mass media. During these years, 86 respondents from 30 media companies were interviewed. Analysis of empirical data and conceptual comprehension of a wide range of works, as well as personal experience in the media allowed the author to conclude that the media convergence process associated with the constant increase in information flows; development of user generated content and the blogosphere; journalism transformation as a types system of professional activity; economic difficulties faced by many media companies leads toreduction of literacy rate for journalists, an incensement number of spelling and stylistic errors in the mass media. The article also presents an analysis of errors in the texts of print and broadcast media. The purpose of the article is to present the problem situation and actualize the need for the subsequent comprehension of the problem of the fall of language media culture in the aspect of axiology.

“The reliable exercise of the scientist man”: literature translation in the first Russian journal
The article is devoted to the prose translational publications of the first Russian popular science magazine “Monthly Essays for Benefit and Entertainment”. These publications are moralistic. Their sources were Western European literary magazines, as well as collected works of European authors. Translated literature was in the XVIII century was almost the main channel through which the Russian educated society spontaneously assimilated the ideas of the European Enlightenment. Along with this, a culture of literary and artistic translation developed. Journal Editor Academician G.F. Miller believed that translated moral prose combines both of the fundamental principles of his journal - “benefit” and “entertainment”.

Time and space of contemporary Russian prose: newmodernism and postmodernism (review of the study guide: Krotova D.V. Modern Russian literature. Post-modern and “New-modern”. M.: MAKS Press, 2018. 224 p.)

The illustration of the U.S. stereotypical approach to informational estimation of Russia (review on Fareed Zakaria’s movie “The most powerful man in the world”)
The article focuses on the analytical research of the crucial thesis of the Fareed Zakaria’s CNN film “The most powerful man in the world” and offers also a political characteristic. Proceeding from the political and media reality peculiar for the analyzed film, we reveal its role and predestination in the political and informational global opposition of the USA and Russia in the newest period of history. According to the implemented analysis, the authors have revealed a totally stereotypic approach to the informational, political and psychological estimation of Russia and its reality. The same problem is typical for the attitude towards the Russian elites.