The article presents the phenomenon of bilingualism in modern Karachai-Balkarian poetry. The study is conducted based on Russian-language works of poets, whose creative maturity came to the post-perestroika era, and artists of the newest generations, entered the literary process at the junction of the XX-XXI centuries. The aim of the study is to identify the main trends and features of this phenomenon in the poetic discourse of the Karachay-Balkar masters of the word of indicated period. In the course of the analysis, the author revealed heterogeneous models of artistic expression, manifested in the same verse culture each generation differently. The research centers on the poetic works of modern Karachay-Balkar poets of the turn of the late XX - early XXI centuries: Arthur Bakuev, Shahriza Bogatyreva, Aishat Kushcheterova, Nauruz Bairamkulov, Ismail Baituganov. For the first time new names are introduced into scientifi circulation, and the Russian-language creativity of two generations of poets is gradually considered. As a research method an integrated approach is used, combining elements of comparative-typological, system-integral and historical-literary analysis. The results contribute to the development of the theory of text and discourse in the aspect of considering the phenomenon of bilingualism in the latest Karachay-Balkar literature.