Publizism in Modern Russian media: reflection and practice
- Authors: Tertychnyy A.A.1
- Lomonosov Moscow state university
- Issue: Vol 23, No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 95-102
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article examines the current state of publicism, are determined by its high significance in the life of society and trends. The phenomenon known today as “publicism” exists in the culture of Russia for over three centuries. However, in discussions about “publicism”, its functions, methods, forms and possibilities of continued existence, still there are ambiguities. To some extent his is due to the incompleteness of theoretical understanding of this phenomenon. This is what motivates the author of this article, a critical look at the existing theoretical understanding of “publicism” and to present a new systemic vision of this phenomenon as a more fundamental and robust phenomenon than previously thought, which is the conceptual novelty of the article and its scientific value, because it opens new directions in the study of “publicism”, the implementation of which will lead to further research to clarify its nature, forms, and types. The article also identifies the situational socio - political factors hindering the existence anddevelopment of “publicism” in the modern information space of Russia. Overcoming them will contribute to the further development of journalistic creativity.
About the authors
Alexander Alexeevich Tertychnyy
Lomonosov Moscow state university
Author for correspondence.
doctor of philological science, professor, Department of Journalism
Mokhovaya str., 9, p. 1, Moscow, Russia, 119019References
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