The Modern Pattern of the Competence for Professional Translators in the Context of Training Translators at Linguistic Universities of Russia

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This article covers some basic issues that have to do with the modern interpretation of the professional translators competence concept examining in reasonable detail its basic components, and comes out with some ways and resources to shape it when training native professionals in the field of the theory and practice of translation with regard to the research by both Russian and foreign scientists.

About the authors

V V Lipatova

University of the Russian Academy of Education

Email: <>
Кафедра перевода английского языкаФакультет иностранных языков; Университет Российской академии образования; University of the Russian Academy of Education

A V Litvinov

Teaching a Foreign Language as a General SubjectForeign Languages DepartmentUniversity of the Russian Academy of Education

Кафедра иностранных языков с преподаванием иностранного языкакак общеобразовательной дисциплиныФакультет иностранных языков; Университет Российской академии образования; Teaching a Foreign Language as a General SubjectForeign Languages DepartmentUniversity of the Russian Academy of Education


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Copyright (c) 2012 Lipatova V.V., Litvinov A.V.

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