No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 15
- URL:
Educational integrating projects as a method of interactive learning
The article describes a method of interactive learning based on educational integrating projects. Some examples of content of such projects for the disciplines related to the study of information and Internet technologies and their application in management are presented.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):5-13

Organization of work with training mathematical text for technical university students under conditions of informatization of education
This article describes the model of the organization of working with training mathematical text for technical university students. Need for development of training text works competencies of first-year students is proved. The impact of learning materials transition into hypertext format on training text works organizing theory is cleared. Training text works organizing stages are described.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):14-21

Features of parallel processing of Russian language content using the basic characteristics of object-oriented high-level programming languages
The article discusses the general features which are traceable in the Russian language and high-level programming languages, and offers an approach to identify the relationship between words in a sentence and proposals within the text. A matter may be interesting in terms of automatic semantic analysis of texts and for the systems of automatic translation.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):22-29

A software complex intended for constructing applied models and meta-models on the basis of mathematical programming principles
A software complex (SC) elaborated by the authors on the basis of the language LMPL and representing a software tool intended for synthesis of applied software models and meta-models constructed on the basis of mathematical programming (MP) principles is described. LMPL provides for an explicit form of declarative representation of MP-models, presumes automatic constructing and transformation of models and the capability of adding external software packages. The following software versions of the SC have been implemented: 1) a SC intended for representing the process of choosing an optimal hydroelectric power plant model (on the principles of meta-modeling) and 2) a SC intended for representing the logic-sense relations between the models of a set of discourse formations in the discourse meta-model.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):35-46

Internet services in e-learning management
The article describes the issues of Internet services practical application in order to check correspondence of written works to their topics in terms of Human Sciences as well as checking of written texts on uniqueness.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):50-59

Information technologies as a means of the intensification of work with parents in adaptive school
The ways of using some means of informatization for arranging interaction of teachers and parents of pupils are described in the article. Such means is considered as a factor of formation and development of adaptive school.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):60-64

Features of using the content editor Master Tool by teachers of computer science for creating training applications
In article experience of use of the cloudy SkyDrive service, the editor of an educational content of Master Tool and the digital book EasySchoolBook is generalized. Within the course «Infoputeshestvy» of subject domain of «Technology» lessons in the 7th class on subjects were conducted: «Data presentation in the computer», «Programming among Skretch».
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):65-67

Some possibilities of studying the course of differential equations implemented by the system of computer mathematics
Some possibilities of the course of differential equations that can be realized through the systems of computer mathematics are discussed in the article. The basic attention is paid to graphical methods of solutions and graphic interpretation of solutions of differential equations
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):68-75

Professional training of future specialists with the use of information technologies
This paper deals with implementation of information technologies within different levels of professional training of the future specialists at A. Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University. Information technologies enable the future specialists to engage in online exchanges and it gives great good opportunity in learning the subject efficiently; thereby expanding their study and learning community during the classroom activity. The results obtained by the use of the information technologies show improvements in professional training of the future specialists in teaching foreign language. The use of information technology in teaching is increasing, which should lead to a significant improvement of the training quality of future specialists. Improvements also are observed in the experimental groups of higher levels, which indicates the efficiency of the use of information technologies in the professional training of future specialists.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):76-82

The virtual projection of school way as a phenomenon of information space
For the description of the way of school’s representation in the global information space, the author introduces a new concept of «virtual projection of the way of school». It is shown that high school students are actively involved in communication through various forms of forms of intercourse on the Internet. At the same time the information and communication among schools in the eyes of the pupils did not meet the requirements of a full way of reflection of the school way.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):87-93

Subsystem of automated generating of «Portfolio in figures» on the basis of the index-rating system of estimation of students’ activity
This article describes the capabilities of the index-rating system of students evaluation, in particular, for the Automated Portfolio generation in a traditional text format, and a «Portfolio in figures» in relation to other students.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):94-100

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(3):101-103