Vol 19, No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1587
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2022-19-3
Full Issue
Features of using e-resources when learning Chinese as a second foreign language in secondary school
Problem and goal. A priority aspect of learning Chinese as a foreign language is the use of electronic educational complexes and materials. However, in the context of the complex digitalization of society, special factors appear that should be taken into account when developing and implementing appropriate electronic educational tools. The purpose is to explore the features and potential of e-resources for teaching Chinese as a foreign language in secondary school. Methodology. Theoretical analysis and generalization of the literature are used to describe the conditions for effective teaching of the Chinese language, and the problems of improving the quality of students' educational results. The experiment involved 52 students from the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium. Learning Chinese as a foreign language is supported by StudyChinese.ru, Chinese Boost, Shibushi.ru services. Fisher's criterion was used for statistical data processing. Results. In the experimental group, primary school students used e-resources for comprehensive informatization at all stages of learning Chinese as a foreign language (speaking, listening, reading, writing, intercultural communication and collaboration). An assessment of learning outcomes was made and statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the pedagogical system were revealed. The features of using e-resources for integrated informatization in the study of Chinese as a second foreign language in secondary school are described. Conclusion. The types of activities and interactive exercises in the information environment are formulated, which most effectively work to improve the quality of teaching Chinese as a second foreign language.

The use of interactive game simulators for the development of algorithmic thinking of students in Russian language and literature lessons
Problem and goal . The model of formation of competitive qualities of a graduate of a modern digital school assumes that he has a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it. The development of relevant skills is actively taking place in the lessons of computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry. However, the Russian language and literature have a certain didactic potential for the formation of the ability to perform mental operations, choosing the optimal way to achieve the goal, etc. The expediency of using interactive simulators to support the communicative activity of students in the study of the Russian language and literature in order to form algorithmic thinking is substantiated. Metodology. The possibilities of designers of interactive simulators for various purposes are analyzed: for the development of online games (Lingo Play, Kid Mama), quests (Learnis), mobile phones (Alice's Resort, Kotovasia), for creating puzzles, charades, crosswords, metagrams and puzzles with riddles, quizzes. To evaluate the input conditions, testing was used, including blocks on the Russian language, literature, and computer science. The experimental study was conducted in the MOE Secondary School No. 25 of Sochi named after Hero of the Soviet Union S.E. Voitenko at the lessons of Russian language, literature, computer science. The participants of the experiment were 46 schoolchildren from the sixth grades. To create interactive game simulators in the classroom, the online designer of “eTrenics” is used (services “Kokla,” “Krypton,” “Morphanki,” “UFO,” “Potato”). Statistical processing of the results was performed using Pearson's chi-square test. Results. Students study services for creating interactive game simulators, use them to process new words, memorize spelling rules, and the plot of works of art. Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the system according to the levels of development of algorithmic thinking were revealed. Conclusion. Described the features of the presented version of the use of interactive game simulators for the development of algorithmic thinking of schoolchildren in Russian language and literature lessons: inter-network interaction, the design of simulators according to the rules of the Russian language or the plot of the work, the intensification of learning, taking into account the specifics of the “clip” thinking of adolescents.

Cluster approach to criteria evaluation of the quality of a student’s educational outcome
Problem and goal . The issues of criteria-based evaluation of the student's educational results remain relevant for the modern theory and practice of education. As a rule, measures to monitor educational results and resources in educational institutions are carried out by expert, manual, non-automated methods. In accordance with the directions of digital transformation of education, it is necessary to create a technological assessment system that meets the requirements of modern society, subject to automation and intellectualization. The purpose of the work is to substantiate a new model of criteria-based assessment of the quality of the educational result, based on the mathematical methods of the theory of clustering and pattern recognition and allowing to automate the procedures for assessing the quality of educational objects, resources, educational and personal achievements of students. Methodology. The quality of an educational result or resource is determined by criteria indicators, which can be represented as features of the evaluated object using the information vector. By clustering the set of acceptable objects into three classes - with low, medium and high quality - it is possible to evaluate an object by its belonging to one of these classes. Clustering is carried out on the basis of a mining algorithm, the metric of city blocks is taken as a measure of the similarity of objects. Results. A program has been developed that consists of a source data module, a clustering module, and a recognition and training module. The model results of the program correlate with traditional rating assessments, in which the quality of the object is determined by a point scale. The obtained test results confirm the validity of the recognition algorithm and the correctness of the software product. Conclusion. Thus, the proposed model based on clustering and the recognition method showed the possibility of automated assessment of the quality of educational results of trainees and educational resources.

Application of virtual reality technology in inclusive education of persons with complete or partial lower limb injury
Problem and goal. The annual growth in the number of people with disabilities determines the relevance of the problems of inclusive education, the solution of which requires new teaching aids that are more interactive and visual than classical tools. This problem necessitates the use of innovative solutions, one of which is the use of virtual reality technology as a way of interactive communication of information and a comfortable environment for students with disabilities. Methodology. The main object of the study is an immersive virtual simulator designed for teaching disabled students in a technical direction. Using the example of the simulator, a solution for interactive and comfortable for perception transfer of knowledge in the specialty is demonstrated. The analysis of the number of persons with disabilities and the number of students with disabilities in secondary vocational and higher education was carried out using open sources, such as sfri.ru and rosstat.gov.ru. Results. Definitions are given for understanding the essence of virtual reality technology and solutions, in the form of simulators suitable as simulators with a unique approach to information perception. Consideration of the developed immersive virtual simulator for the maintenance of personal computers in a broad context allowed us to reflect the features of the application of innovative solutions for inclusive education. Conclusion. In the process of carrying out research work using various means of analysis virtual simulator, the main areas of application of virtual reality for people with disabilities are considered and appropriate conclusions are drawn about the use of virtual reality technology in inclusive education.

The organization of educational-project activities of students to create chatbots as a condition for training of future teachers
Problem and goal. The training of future teachers in the field of education involves the formation of competencies in the development of software for various purposes, the design of automated control systems for real objects. The development of relevant qualities in the conditions of higher education is complicated by a number of problems of various nature. The authors suggest to improve the training of future specialists to organize project activities of students to create dialogue programs (training bots). Methodology. Project-based training is used for the formation of competencies in the field for informatization of education, obtaining in-demand soft skills, team building. The construction of a chatbot takes place in teamwork. The experiment involved 43 students of the North Caucasus Federal University in the direction of training 44.03.05 “Pedagogical Education with Two Training Profiles.” The assessment of the quality of educational results was carried out using the author's testing of 10 tasks (“credited”/“not credited”). Fischer's criterion was used to establish statistically significant differences. Results. Students studied the services for creating chatbots, the didactic potential and functionality of the received programs, used them to solve problems. Statistically significant differences were revealed in the changes that occurred in the system in terms of the quality of vocational training. The features of the presented variant of the organization of educational activities for the creation of chatbots are described: teamwork, the use of templates and scripts, and the choice of project topics. Conclusion. Problematic questions are formulated, the answers to which allow us to determine the directions of work on the construction of chatbots: discussion of the development goal and didactic goal, the use of blocks and actions, modeling interaction scenarios, etc.

Information-motivational environment: quality improvement and self-organization development in the conditions of education informatization
Problem and goal. The information technologies influence features and the educational environment on the school education quality are considered. The results of studies of the Unified State Exam, State Russian Exam, Russian Verification Work, international studies (PISA) in national regions (on the example of the Republic of Buryatia) in the conditions of education informatization were studied. The information infrastructure was explored, which includes information resources, information systems of various classes, as a motivation system and students’ self-organization, especially during distance learning. Methodology. The data of these studies were grouped and combined, and then analyzed for problems of the general education quality in the conditions of the information environment using. The data sample was made for 2011-2020, according to such criteria as popular subjects, the general trend in the general education of students, the rating of countries in reading, mathematical and natural science literacy. Results. The information-motivational environment is singled out and its levels (macro, meso, micro) are determined. The technical interaction principle of the subject with the hierarchy of levels in the information-motivational environment is revealed. Conclusion. The information and motivation interaction contributes to the improvement of self-organization and the quality of education. The development of the information and motivational environment and its management can become a necessary technology for the development of a digital-centric person, a criterion for the quality of educational results, a set of measures aimed at creating conditions for obtaining high-quality general education in state and municipal educational organizations in the national regions of the Russian Federation.

Digital transformation of the university library in the context of information abundance
Problem and goal. In the context of digital transformation of education, the importance of digital library formation is justified, taking into account the training areas, research topics and other requests of all target groups of the educational institution. Active use by students and teachers of Internet sources raises the problem of popularization and disclosure of electronic collections, organization of problem-free access to valuable, reliable information from legitimate sources. Implementation of the practice of constant use of verified content by students, teachers, scientists has become the main task of the library. In this regard, the principles and methods used in the scientific library of the university for the collection and dissemination of information, organization of events, implementation of academic standards and new forms of work for the use of information resources in the educational process and research activities are studied. Methodology. As a generalization and systematization of the accumulated practical experience of working with electronic information, the stages of formation of a classical university digital library, methods of statistical analysis to evaluate the use of collections, forms of content promotion and work with target user groups are described. Results. The author analyzes the experience of the project on the formation and promotion of the university digital library, accumulates data on the effectiveness of content use, promotional mechanisms, achieved results for use in the work of libraries in the field of education. Proved the necessity of formation of university digital library using cluster approach - universal, specialized and profile resources, regarding peculiarities of promotion in different target groups of university, importance of analytical work on content use for optimization of subscriptions and elimination of information gaps, obligatory introduction of information culture and activation of digital educational resources use in the context of professional activity of the teacher. Conclusion. Using theoretical and practical data, statistical analysis and various aspects of both Russian and foreign experience of digital transformation of the university libraries in the conditions of information abundance, the stages of modification of the library collections, communication channels, and the results in a particular library were considered and analyzed.

Special aspects of enrolment onto the training according to the educational programs of higher education in the sphere of the information technologies
Problem and goal . Highly-qualified employees of IT section play an important role in the development of a state. Namely they make basic contribution to the innovative development of IT area, communication and telecommunication industries. By the experts’ projections, by the year 2027, the deficit of IT specialists in Russia will make two million people. In accordance with the Federal Program “Digital Economics of the Russian Federation” the educational system is supposed to provide the country by competent manpower. For these reasons some professions related to the IT field were specified and some changes in the admission quotas for universities were introduced. The research is aimed at the search of peculiarities, revealing of factors explaining small number of enrollees and great difference in the level of educational background for admission to studies on educational programs of higher education in the sphere of IT technologies. Methodology. Issues of the development of the information-oriented society and evaluation of the commitment of different regions of the country as well as theoretical aspects of availability of IT specialists have been scrutinized. The study is based on the detailed analysis of the statistical data on admittance of students into IT departments of universities and the number of university graduates trained as IT specialists in Russia. The data analysis has been run and some conclusions have been drawn. Results. The study revealed that the number of enrollees to the IT specialties hardly surpasses the number of state-funded openings. Some basic facts have been highlighted which testify that the list of enrollment tests whilst entering the same specialties in universities are different. Enrollees with different educational background are admitted onto IT-specialties. The research results let find reasons for scatter and varied total score. Conclusion. The obtained results testify that the problem of IT-specialists’ training is the issue of the day. Suggested range of factors can be considered as one of the reasons preventing from choosing the IT-specialties by school leavers.