Vol 19, No 2 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1561
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2022-19-2
Full Issue
Mobile applications for diagnostics, development, and alternative communication for children with language disorders
Problem and goal. Language disorders of different kinds may cause personal issues and prevent the successful development of an individual. Early diagnostics and precise correctional recommendations enable such issues to be resolved efficiently in childhood. A modern speech therapist needs mobile facilities that can both make his/her work with prescribed protocols easier and perform high-quality professional diagnostics. Creating software tools is quite important, especially when dealing with children. The peak of prophylactic and therapeutic activities occurs in pre- and primary school age. Methodology. In the scope of this research, the current state of the problem was observed and analyzed, psycholinguistics part and informatics part of the problem were identified, and their interaction was specified. The results of application of these approaches on the base of several longitude psycho-diagnostic experiments were analyzed and evaluated. Results. The software tools to diagnose child language disorders and to develop language abilities in the case of problems are presented. In addition, a tool for an alternative communication via pictograms is described. These tools implement a playing strategy to decrease stress and improve effectiveness. Conclusion. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that mobile approach reduces time for the therapist’s routine duties and makes diagnostic and correctional process attractive for children.

Application of situative vocabulary and linguistic quasi-corpus for language acquisition
Problem and goal. Application and integration of ICT-technologies into different human activities and fields of knowledge appeared to be rather fruitful and very promising for further improvement of existing and development of new tools. In particular, it equipped linguistics with very powerful and perspective innovative original tool - linguistic corpus, and opens new horizons for teachers in dealing with actual learning and educational tasks and responds to the challenges of modern life. Two ICT-linguistic tools - situative vocabulary and linguistic quasi-corpus were developed using the ideas of traditional topic vocabulary united with modern telecommunicative tools as blogs and chats and linguistic corpus with specific database and “human” concordance. Methodology. Potential of the tools for improvement of communicative skills in foreign language as well as in mother tongue is analyzed thoroughly and ways of their application are described. Results. Proper application of situative vocabulary and linguistic corpus for educational purposes also helps to develop multiculturalism, foster tolerance - both topics being very actual and even crucial under current circumstances and as areas for different project activities. Conclusion. Combination of ICT and linguistics allows developing modern and perspective tools shown to be effective for different learning situations.

Professional development e-course on how to integrate interdisciplinary approach into the learning process in schools that practise multimodality and use interactive educational online services
Problem and goal. The problem of implementation and realization of interdisciplinary approach in the learning process at schools is demonstrated. The goal of this research is to create professional development e-course for teachers, which can include practical approaches to integrate interdisciplinarity and to develop multimodality through the application of online services. Methodology. The practical research is carried out based on organizing an experimental (93 people) and control (71 people) groups of students in different ages (4-8th grades) and disciplines. The students from an experimental group are taught by the teachers who took part in the designed e-course. These teachers use practice-based methods and strategies to integrate interdisciplinary approach in the lessons of Geography, Mathematics, Russian, English, Social Studies and Literature in a primary school. They apply online services such as Padlet, Zoom and Google Tools as well. Analysis of interdisciplinary skills level is carried out with the help of control diagnostics before and after the experiment. Results. The tools for the integration of interdisciplinary approach and the application of online services in educational process have appeared to be effective. The evidence of this conclusion is the toolbox with methodological interdisciplinary materials and resources which has been created for the learning process with the help of online services which can help students develop transfer skills, creative and critical thinking. The tools and services demonstrated in this research allow students and teachers to develop agency, i.e. the ability to be responsible for their life, in particular for their learning, to make a choice and to have a voice. They also help increase motivation to the process of learning. Such tools and online services can play a significant role for informatization of the learning process because they have an impact on the development of students’ multimodality. Conclusion. The results allow to identify the effectiveness of the implementation and integration of interdisciplinary approach in educational process, especially in the framework of narrow disciplines, with the help of online services. Teachers, who had taken part in a designed professional development e-course, used strategies and tools, online services in practice. The students demonstrated an enhanced level of creative and critical thinking and transfer skills during control diagnostics after the research.

The use of flash cards in teaching as a means of developing students’ verbal creativity
Problem and goal. Development of linguistic diversity, creative ideas in foreign language communication are key areas of international activity supported at the level of the United Nations. An important condition for effectiveness of any dialogue is verbal creativity. Preparation of the individual for professional creative thinking, for overcoming verbal stereotypes takes place in professionally-oriented communication. The authors suggest using interactive resources of flash cards in teaching to develop students’ verbal creativity. Metodology. Teaching a foreign language using flash cards is based on the Leitner method. Flash cards as thematic cards depicting objects (concepts) are also used for development of speech (vocabulary, morphology, word formation, syntax, pronunciation), and psychological processes leading to new results (fluency, originality, flexibility). The testing developed by the authors is carried out, it includes the parts “Vocabulary,” “Morphology,” “Word formation,” “Syntax,” “Pronunciation,” “Torrance figure test.” An experimental study was conducted at Vyatka State University during the study of the disciplines “Electronic resources in the professional activity,” “Foreign language.” 60 first-year students studying psychology (bachelor degree level) are involved. The Lexilize resource is used to create flash cards. Statistical processing of the results was performed using Pearson’s chi-square test. Results . Students study services for creating flash cards, use them to process new material, memorize and present concepts, word formation in a variety of contexts. Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the system according to the levels of development of verbal creativity were revealed. Conclusion. The features of the presented version of using flash cards when teaching are described: combination with other means (mobile applications, simulators, infographics) and traditional forms of information transfer; interdisciplinary connections. Rules are formulated, implementation of which ensures effectiveness of using flash cards for development of verbal creativity.

Application of information technologies as a significant factor in the formation of conceptual thinking of schoolchildren
Problem and goal . The article is aimed at identifying factors in the development of conceptual thinking of schoolchildren in the conditions of informatization of education. The rapid informatization of society and education makes modern teachers look for new ways to form the conceptual thinking of students, while involving the latest information and communication technologies. There is a problem of determining the role and place of conceptual thinking in the evolution of a digital society, identifying effective domestic and foreign electronic educational resources that contribute to the formation of conceptual thinking in children of different ages. Methodology. A model for the formation of conceptual thinking of secondary school students based on an electronic course in Spanish has been created. Experimental training of schoolchildren was carried out using educational electronic resources, the development of which was completed on the basis of taking into account the provisions of this model. Results. It is experimentally substantiated that the positive dynamics of the formation of the readiness of primary school students to use terminological structures is due to the identified pedagogical conditions, the introduction of the proposed teaching methods and informatization tools. As a result of the experiment, schoolchildren revealed the improvement of conceptual thinking and an increase in motivation for communication. Conclusion. The use of the created and tested electronic textbook helps to increase the efficiency of the formation of conceptual thinking in primary school students in the framework of teaching a foreign language. The development of conceptual thinking using a foreign language can be carried out by taking into account the described pedagogical conditions, which provide for the widespread use of modern information technologies.

Shift from traditional into interactive approach: teaching monologue with the use of information and communication technologies
Problem and goal. In modern society, the fundamental priorities are both the continuous renewal and recreation of the language personality of students, and the necessary competencies and abilities for the practical application of what has been learned to solve urgent problems. The concept of the formation of a “secondary language personality” that currently exists in the methodology of foreign language education and training implies the unconditional presence of competencies, the key and most significant of which is communicative. The level of formation of communicative competence is determined by the presence of awareness in the perception of the socio-cultural portrait of the country of a foreign language; social, cultural and ethnic tolerance; speech etiquette and courtesy in communication; possibility of finding ways to resolve conflicts in communication. The above tasks take place to be implemented only if the educational process is created and maintained in the context of a dialogue of cultures. But it is impossible without the introduction of information and digital technologies into the educational process. The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness and relevance of the application of various methods, techniques and exercises using information technology to develop students’ speech skills (in particular, monologue speech). Methodology. The pedagogical experiment consisted of four stages: the organization of the study, the implementation of the experiment, the identification of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the results of experimental learning, the interpretation of the causes and factors influencing the results. Results. The performance of the experimental group is relatively higher than that of the control group. The explanation for these results can be the different degree of performance of groups, the level of motivation of students, as well as the technologies used in the learning process. The data of the study of the quality of monologue speech at the control stage (test-cut of the experimental group) compared with the indicators of the ascertaining stage increased by an average of 10% in all parameters. Conclusion. Results of the experimental and control groups prove that the quality of the classes, the introduction of innovative and information technologies, as well as the motivation of students play an important role in the process of teaching a foreign language.

Features, experience and benefits of implementing STEAM technology in the main school
Problem statement. The educational life of the modern school is a huge field for observation and analysis. A variety of technologies used in the world to enhance cognitive activity and increase the role of independence in the activities of students create new forms and methods within the educational process. STEAM technologies are actively used in the system of additional education. However, the use of such technology in the main educational process has not been practically studied. This is due to the difficulty of combining innovative approaches with the implementation of the school curriculum. Methodology. The study uses methods for designing a learning model, pedagogical experiment, observation, conversation, and experience generalization. Content analysis and thematic monitoring of existing publications were carried out for the keywords, such as STEAM-technologies, increase of cognitive activity, and creation of educational laboratories. Results. The three-year experience of experimental application of educational STEAM-technology in the primary school is considered in order to analyze and highlight the most significant examples of the application of this technology for practice. The essence and features of the educational STEAM technology are described, as well as the ways of creating educational laboratories based on the proposed approaches implemented within the framework of the study. Significant aspects of the use of such technology in the modern school are revealed. Examples from the practice of school work are given, types of laboratories, goals and content of training, and obtained educational results are considered. Conclusion. In the process of performing research work using STEAM technology in the educational process of the secondary school, the most effective ways to create educational laboratories and the most significant aspects of the use of such technology in school were identified.

Engineering design as a general area of study of informatics at the school of International Baccalaureate
Problem and goal. The features of the work of the direction of engineering design are revealed, taking into account the peculiarities of teaching under the International Baccalaureate program as part of the school curriculum to prepare students for the choice of a future profile of education in high school. Objectives: 1) to analyze the features of the work of this academic subject, taking into account the specifics of teaching the subject group “Design” within the framework of the International Baccalaureate program; 2) describe the features of this direction; 3) sum up the results of the work and development prospects of students studying according to the presented curriculum, taking into account the peculiarities of the implementation of this curriculum. Methodology. A set of research methods was used: analysis of regulatory documents, determination of priority tasks for teaching this area, work experience. Results . The experience of working with secondary school students within the framework of the presented direction is analyzed, features and opportunities for further work are identified. Conclusion. Education taking into account the implementation of the features of the International Baccalaureate program allows students to prepare for the choice of a future profile (future profession), get acquainted with information opportunities, and prove themselves when working with various information technologies at an early stage of education.