Features, experience and benefits of implementing STEAM technology in the main school
- Authors: Semenova D.A.1
- Moscow City University
- Issue: Vol 19, No 2 (2022)
- Pages: 146-156
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/article/view/31449
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2022-19-2-146-156
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Problem statement. The educational life of the modern school is a huge field for observation and analysis. A variety of technologies used in the world to enhance cognitive activity and increase the role of independence in the activities of students create new forms and methods within the educational process. STEAM technologies are actively used in the system of additional education. However, the use of such technology in the main educational process has not been practically studied. This is due to the difficulty of combining innovative approaches with the implementation of the school curriculum. Methodology. The study uses methods for designing a learning model, pedagogical experiment, observation, conversation, and experience generalization. Content analysis and thematic monitoring of existing publications were carried out for the keywords, such as STEAM-technologies, increase of cognitive activity, and creation of educational laboratories. Results. The three-year experience of experimental application of educational STEAM-technology in the primary school is considered in order to analyze and highlight the most significant examples of the application of this technology for practice. The essence and features of the educational STEAM technology are described, as well as the ways of creating educational laboratories based on the proposed approaches implemented within the framework of the study. Significant aspects of the use of such technology in the modern school are revealed. Examples from the practice of school work are given, types of laboratories, goals and content of training, and obtained educational results are considered. Conclusion. In the process of performing research work using STEAM technology in the educational process of the secondary school, the most effective ways to create educational laboratories and the most significant aspects of the use of such technology in school were identified.
About the authors
Daria A. Semenova
Moscow City University
Author for correspondence.
Email: SemenovaD@mgpu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3709-9804
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, senior lecturer, Musical Department of Musical Art, Institute of Сulture and Arts
29 Maria Ulyanova St, Moscow, 119331, Russian FederationReferences
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