Vol 17, No 4 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 6
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1392
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2020-17-4
Full Issue
Design and development of elective course on cryptography using webinar technology
Problem and purpose. The article deals with studies of the effectiveness of the use of an elective course in teaching cryptography based on webinar technology. As part of the reform of the Russian education system, the central place is occupied by the professional self-determination of high school students (grades 9-11). One of the key areas in this process is profiling. The main function of profiling is to create conditions for teaching high school students based on their professional interests. Thanks to the introduction of elective courses into the educational process, which are a mandatory component of profile and pre-profile training, the implementation of the profiling function has become possible. In addition, an equally important goal of elective courses is to meet the individual educational needs, inclinations and interests of each student. The very technology of organizing and conducting webinars is considered in sufficient detail by G.V. Torgashin, V.V. Nazarova, O.I. Meshcheryakova, O.Yu. Isakov and others. These works note not only the promising use of this technology, but also its potential for teaching schoolchildren. But the experience of using the technology of webinars in the training system in computer science, in particular in teaching cryptography, has not been sufficiently considered. All this determined the relevance of the article. The problem of the article is determined by the revealed contradiction between the need for effective teaching of cryptography, the significant educational potential of webinar technology, on the one hand, and the absence of a methodology for teaching cryptography based on webinar technology, on the other hand. The need to eliminate the revealed contradiction indicates the relevance of the study and determines its problem. The purpose of the article is to describe approaches to the development of an elective course on teaching cryptography, containing specially designed practice-oriented tasks, based on webinar technology. Methodology. The methodological basis was the analysis of key competencies, the classifications of which are presented in the scientific works of such researchers as I.A. Zimnyaya, E.Ya. Kogan, A.V. Khutorskoy, etc., one of the main competencies is informational, the formation of which acts as an indispensable condition for the success of many types of human activities living in a modern information society. The experience of teaching the section of cryptography in a school computer science course is considered in works by A.V. Evlampiev, E.M. Kuznetsov, K.Yu. Dragina and others and clearly demonstrates the insufficient attention paid to this section. Approaches to improving the content of the informatics course, taking into account modern trends, including cryptography, big data, information and cybersecurity, are studied in the works of N.A. Razumova, I.M. Tonkikh, M.M. Komarov, V.I. Ledovskaya and others. The very technology of organizing and conducting webinars is considered in sufficient detail by scientists G.V. Torgashin, V.V. Nazarova, O.I. Meshcheryakova, O.Yu. Isakov and others. Results. The possibility and expediency of using the technology of webinars when organizing training within the framework of an elective course on the study of cryptography by high school students has been substantiated. A model has been created and a prototype of an elective cryptography training course using webinar technology has been developed, including a specially developed system of practice-oriented tasks. Criteria for the selection, development and systematization of practice-oriented cryptography tasks involving the use of webinar technology have been determined. Conclusion. The results allowed to conclude that the informatization of education is becoming effective through the use of webinar technology for teaching cryptography as part of an elective course based on the organization of remote work of schoolchildren, the use of online lectures and practical classes, a technological cycle with feedback and reflection on learning outcomes, system solutions specially designed practice-oriented tasks. The proposed system of practice-oriented tasks, including tasks for encrypting and decrypting various messages, contributes to the effectiveness of teaching cryptography, preparing students for life and work in the information society.
Interactivity in the language online classroom: from the index of system intelligence to the systemic changes in education
Problem and goal. The article examines the changing nature and intensity of the teaching-learning interaction with the digital technologies becoming commonplace in higher education, whether in support of its traditional, blended, or fully online formats. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to identify the nature of interactivity, its types, didactic functions, methods and means of implementation in these new digitally enhanced learning spaces as one of their effectiveness parameters and indicators. Methodology. The study contextualizes its findings within the larger body of theoretical and applied research in the field of psychology, pedagogy and methodology, the formation and development of information educational media, vocational and electronic foreign language pedagogy in Russia and abroad. To verify the preliminary conclusions, the experience of designing a Moodle-based electronic training course was used. The quality of its interactive content was assessed on the basis of data from a questionnaire survey of students as a tool for their retrospective reflection upon completion of work on the thematic modules of the online course. Results. The principles, stages and technologies for designing interactive electronic educational resources have been developed and described, based on the pedagogical scenario, which forms the basis of a vocationally oriented foreign language course for master's students of a non-linguistic university. Instructional design is recognized as effective if it provides for complex types of learning and teaching interactions, the nature and intensity of which change as educational tasks become more complex, aimed at improving students' thinking skills of a higher order within the collaborative work and growing engagement into the online course. The functions of ICT as an element of an interactive educational ecosystem also vary, allowing the teacher and/or student at each stage of training to orchestrate the set of resources according to the teaching-learning goals. Conclusion. The results obtained revealed the diversity of forms and didactic functions of interactivity, stimulating the cognitive activity of students that results in the construction of new knowledge in the form of an intellectual artifact with its subsequent verification in a social context. The methodological value of the approach used in the study lies in shifting its research focus away from the comparative assessments of in-class and e-learning formats when discussing the quality teaching and learning issue towards an approach that delves more closely into choosing the appropriate methods and mechanisms for enhancing learning spaces with digital technologies and maximizing their effect.
The use of interactive mnemonics for the development of communication skills of preschoolers
Problem and purpose. The experience of using mnemonics as a set of methods and techniques in preschool institutions is considered. The purpose of the described research is to ensure the most effective mastering by preschoolers of ideas about the world around them and the development of speech. Methodology. In the course of the research, the analysis of normative documents, psychological and pedagogical experience in the use of mnemonics was carried out, a generalization and systematization of the material on this topic was made, the reflection of the content of the formed knowledge has been done. Results. A proven method of using mnemonics in a preschool institution for the development of speech and understanding the features of the surrounding world is proposed. Step-by-step recommendations are formulated for the implementation of this technology in the organization of the activities of preschoolers. The psychological features of the use of mnemonic techniques, which contribute to the development of not only communication skills, but also the creative activity of children, are revealed. Conclusion. It is shown that the technique of using mnemonics has great potential and should be recommended for dissemination in work with a variety of groups of children with developmental features. At the same time, it was revealed that today in preschool institutions, mnemonics is used mainly in the traditional format, while the integration of the methodology with interactive information technologies is effective. The results of the study allow to draw conclusions about the prospects of the direction of interactive technology of mnemonics, which is faced with a problem of the level of readiness of employees of children's institutions to use them. In general, the research materials confirm that the integration of mnemonic techniques into the play activity of preschoolers corresponds to the age characteristics of children, contributes to the development of creativity, mutual understanding, deepening of interest and curiosity in the world around them.
Methods of teaching inverse and incorrect problems to students in the context of informatization of education
Problem and goal. Computer technologies are now widely used in applied research aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge. These studies used the method of computer modeling and computing experiment, from which it is possible to study the properties of remote or inaccessible objects, processes and phenomena of different nature. The above mentioned is directly related to teaching students applied mathematics in general, and, in particular, to teaching students of physical and mathematical training areas inverse and ill-posed problems, which are the scientific direction of applied mathematics. It is obvious that in the process of teaching students inverse and ill-posed problems, it is advisable to use computer technologies. However, the use of computer technology should be appropriate and correct. Methodology. The process of finding solutions to inverse and ill-posed problems is usually time-consuming, since such mathematical problems are non-linear in their formulation and may have a non-unique and unstable solution. These circumstances pose a mathematical difficulty in the proof of the theorems of existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions to inverse and ill-posed problems. Computer technologies help to overcome mathematical difficulties associated with routine transformations, analysis of information about solving such mathematical problems. Results. Using computer technologies, students gain experience in mobile research of various inverse and ill-posed problems, as well as in identifying the capabilities of computer technologies in solving various applied mathematical problems, and develop ICT competence. Conclusion. When using multimedia and computer technologies in the process of teaching students inverse and ill-posed problems, didactic principles of teaching are implemented, which allow students to acquire deep scientific knowledge on inverse and ill-posed problems, and develop their information culture.
Tools for distance learning and e-learning in communities of students and teachers: composition, usage and preferences
Problem and purpose . The article describes the issue of using e-learning and distance learning tools in the communities of students and teachers. The urgency of solving this issue is determined by the need to develop the digital educational environment that can be more or less focused on e-learning and distance learning. The goals of the research were to identify the degree of demand for distance and e-learning tools in the communities of students and teachers, as well as to establish the features of using the proposed tools in the conditions of their joint use. Methodology. In the course of the research the activities of students and teachers of the educational portal of the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University in the acade- mic year 2019-2020 were studied. The analysis presented the records of the facts and intensity of using distance (personal correspondence, posting the messages in the public space, presenting the tasks to the teacher) and e-learning (publishing the documents, developing e-course pages, doing self-check training tasks) tools. Based on the research results, teachers and students’ preferences in using e-learning and distance learning tools were determined, as well as features of joint use of tools. Results. The research has shown that there is a wide range of tools aimed at implementing both distance and e-learning technologies in Internet communities. The tools are quite independent from each other, which allows to build different learning strategies, more or less focused on e-learning and distance learning. Distance learning tools are in greater demand in terms of coverage, but e-learning tools are used more intensively. There is a significant difference in the ways the tools are used by teachers and students. At the same time, a considerable number of users combine different learning strategies, acting both as a teacher and a student. Conclusion. The data obtained in the research allow better understanding of the processes associated with the implementation of teaching in the Internet communities. Understanding the nature of these processes, possible strategies and behaviour preferences of teachers and students in the digital educational environment can become a basis for further development and improvement of online educational tools, as well as pedagogical technologies that are the basis for implementing educational activities on the Internet.
Opportunities to use interactive tasks in chemistry within the Middle Years Programme (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate
Problem and purpose. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered one of the most progressive and effective means of increasing interest in learning, as well as developing students in modern teaching methods. In Russia, the use of ICT and the development of its theoretical aspects in teaching chemistry under the Middle Years Programme (MYP, basic school) of the International Baccalaureate is at an embryonic level and, therefore, is a modern and very urgent problem of the education system within the framework of the International Baccalaureate. New methods and means based on the use of ICT in the educational process contribute to the growing interest in the study of chemistry. Increasing the level of independence in educational activities within the framework of working with ICT contributes to the formation of a competent, developed personality, teaches children to make adequate decisions, and motivates to improve self-preparation for lessons. Thanks to the continuous movement of modern education towards change and progress, there are more and more new developments and teaching aids that can be used in teaching chemistry. All this contributes to the creation and maintenance of a stable interest in educational processes, both in the independent search and solution of problems, and at school in the classroom. Often, the generally accepted approaches to the study of the topic of valence, existing today, do not give the desired and desired results. And the insufficient assimilation of this topic by students leads to a deterioration in academic performance in the further paragraphs of the chemistry course of the basic school curriculum. In the MYP (basic school), the study of the topic “Valence” is replaced by an explanation of the concepts of electronegativity and oxidation state, which leads to the loss of one of the fundamental concepts in chemistry. That fact defines the problem of the article. The purpose of the article is to describe approaches to increasing the interest and attention of students in the context of the use of innovative interactive technologies. Methodology. The methodological basis was the scientific and methodological works of A.K. Akhlebinin, N.P. Bezrukova, G. Vern, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, S.A. Gerus, A.A. Zhurin, V.V. Zagorsky, L. S. Zaznobina, O.S. Zaitsev, M.V. Zueva, R.G. Ivanova, N.E. Kuznetsova, G.Ya. Lastushkina, T.S. Nazarova, E.I. Mashbitsa, E.S. Polat, L.F. Pleukhova, I.V. Robert, T.A. Sergeeva, N.F. Talyzina, S.G. Chaikova, G.M. Chernobelskaya, L.L. Chunikhina, M. Shanon. Results. The expediency of using interactive tasks in chemistry (on the example of the topic “Valence”) in teaching schoolchildren under the MYP has been substantiated by increasing the general level of academic performance on this topic, as well as interest in chemistry lessons. Approaches to the selection of content (on the example of the topic “Valence”) for the creation of interactive tasks, including scientific, systematic, age-appropriate, are determined. A system of interactive tasks for studying the topic “Valence” under the MYP was developed and tested, which contains teaching materials for preparing students on the specified topic, including the theoretical part and analysis of examples. Conclusion. The results allowed to conclude that the creation and use of a specially prepared system of interactive tasks in chemistry (using the example of the “Valence” topic) for the MYP leads to a significant simplification of the study of this topic and an increase in the level of intrinsic motivation to study chemistry.