Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1174
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2019-16-1
Full Issue
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Definition of approaches to complex research of information educational environment in general, professional and additional education systems
Introduction and goal. The article deals with the actual problem of the lack of assessment of the current state and effectiveness of the functioning of the information educational environment of individual educational organizations, at the regional and national level. The purpose of the described research was to determine the approaches to assessing the state of such an environment in the systems of general, vocational and additional education. Materials and methods. The definition of approaches to the assessment of the modern stage of the formation and development of information educational media has been carried out on the basis of the method of modeling, analytical activity, the use of elements of graph theory, and the analysis of scientific literature. Provides for the use of telecommunication technologies to collect the necessary information. Results. The stages and technologies for carrying out a comprehensive study of the state of the information educational environment in systems of general, vocational and additional education have been developed and described. Such stages include the preliminary construction of a scientifically based model, the development of computer tools, including questionnaire templates for surveys of workers and students of educational institutions, the collection and statistical processing of data, a comparative analysis of the existing stage of development of the information educational environment and the results of previous studies, the publication of analysis results and developed recommendations in telecommunication networks. The proposed technology provides for the possibility of a unified collection and publication of information on examples of the most effective practical experience in the formation and use of information educational environments. Conclusions. The developed approaches application will make it possible to identify measures aimed at improving the efficiency of projects for the formation and development of information educational environments and will contribute to a more accurate forecasting of the prospects for informatization of education.

Develop and use educational electronic resources in the discipline “Design” for schools the International baccalaureate (IB)
Problem and goal. The article deals with the processes of development of the modern information society and various educational programs, which contributes to the need for the use of information technology in the educational sphere. The aim was to identify the features of the development of educational electronic publications and resources for the International baccalaureate program, a comparative analysis of the program and a comparison with the existing program of education in Russia on the Federal state educational standard. This made it possible to take into account the peculiarities of methods of work with resources and assessment of tasks by students in this program, as well as to develop educational electronic resources for the International baccalaureate program in the discipline “Design” and to evaluate the effectiveness of these resources as tools of work. Methodology. Development of a system of educational electronic resources and teaching methods for these resources in the discipline “Design” in the framework of the international baccalaureate program are carried out through the analysis of curricula, manuals, dissertations, materials of conferences on FSES and International baccalaureate, study of scientific literature on approaches and methods for the development of electronic systems for the evaluation of the results of training, observation, organization and conduct of pedagogical experiment and analysis of its results. Results. The analysis of the FSES and the International baccalaureate training program to identify the features of the educational process in each of the programs under consideration. Various approaches and technologies to the evaluation of learning outcomes, including the system of electronic assessment are considered. On the basis of the data obtained, an educational electronic resource on the discipline “Design” within the framework of the International baccalaureate training program was developed, consisting of evaluation tasks, work with which was based on the use of information and communication technologies, and a system for evaluating the results of these tasks for grade 6. Conclusion. The results led to the conclusion that the organization of training in the discipline “Design” in the framework of the International baccalaureate program with the use of educational electronic resources will contribute to a significant increase in the interest of primary school students to the study of this subject area and, in the future, a more conscious choice of direction of training in the field of informatization. The presented method of teaching and developed educational electronic resource on the discipline “Design”, built to meet the requirements of the International baccalaureate program, will improve the efficiency of learning by students.

Cloud web-technology for contest procedures organization for quality of educational resources estimation
Problem and goal. The article represents the description, model and result of the development of application software available on the Internet to automate the organization of competitive procedures. The relevance of the creation of automated systems for assessing the quality of educational resources is due to the need to ensure the availability and efficiency of evaluation and competitive procedures in educational institutions. Methodology. The study is aimed at the design and development of a cloud portal-designer, which allows to automate competitive activities in educational institutions. In contrast to the existing similar developments, the created system represents the applied software for creation and carrying out competitive actions in educational institutions. Results. The work is of practical value for educational institutions of all levels and individual communities in need of automated systems of competitive evaluation of educational resources. Conclusion. For the first time, a projective cloud environment for automating the assessment of the quality of educational resources that have an object form (digital educational resource, teacher activity, information system, information environment, lesson, etc.) is proposed, and for which it is possible to build a criterion model of quality.

The development of scientific outlook of students when teaching inverse problems for differential equations
Problem and goal. Modern achievements of the world Science of nature and the world, physical laws and laws should be disclosed at an accessible level to University students. Among the scientific methods of research of physical processes and phenomena, an important place is the method of mathematical modeling, because mathematical models have scientific and cognitive potential and versatility (see, for example, [2-4]). The use of mathematical models of inverse problems for differential equations (IPDE) allows to effectively investigate many processes and phenomena occurring in the air, earth and water environment. It is not surprising that in some Russian universities in the physical and mathematical areas of training are taught IPDE in the form of a choice of courses. The goals and objectives of such teaching are set, as a result of which students would develop creative mathematical abilities, formed fundamental knowledge in the field of physical education, developed a scientific worldview. Methodology. The development of scientific outlook of students of physical and mathematical directions of preparation, as a result of teaching IPDE, ensured the successful will be implemented in practice, such conditions as: 1. the involvement of experts in the field IPDE with teaching experience at the university; 2. development of the content of lectures and practical classes on the basis of modern achievements of the theory of inverse and incorrect problems, taking into account the professional orientation of training students; 3. the implementation of the principles, methods and means of education IPDE; 4. involvement of students in research work in scientific seminars and participation in scientific conferences devoted to IPDE; 5. implementation of methodological approaches that allow students to develop the skills and abilities of independent analysis of applied and humanitarian nature of the results of research of IPDE. Results. In practical classes on the IPDE students acquire the ability and skills to apply effective approaches and mathematical methods of finding solutions to inverse problems, followed by a logical analysis of their solutions. As a result, students gain useful experience in the analysis of new information about the studied physical processes and phenomena, form new scientific knowledge about the world on the basis of which develop a scientific worldview. Conclusion. Developed, in the process of teaching IPDE, the scientific outlook helps students to understand that mathematical models IPDE are relevant to theory, experiment and philosophy - the basic methods of knowledge researchers; to understand the humanitarian value of mathematical models IPDE.

ICT-tools for internationalization of continuous education
Problem and goal. Continuous education is a process of growth of educational (general and professional) potential of the individual throughout life via the use of the system of state and public institutions and in accordance with the needs of the individual and society. The need for continuous education arises due to the progress of science and technology, the widespread use of innovative technologies. Internationalization stands for the intentional process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions and delivery of education. Information and telecommunication technologies nowadays are a significant part of modern learning and play an important role in continuous education that uses different ICT-tools for its purposes but depending on the interpretation continuing education concept has its own specifics. Accordingly, various procedures for the use of information and telecommunication technologies are in demand. To make the application of ICT-tools for continuous education relevant to the specialized goals one should clearly understand the correlation among aims of continuous learning and ICT-tools. Methodology. Various procedures for the use of information and telecommunication technologies that are in demand for purposes of internationalization of continuous education are considered. A brief review of scope of ICT-tools and their potential and relevance to the specific aims of internationalization of continuous learning is given. Results. Internationalization of education and development of continuous education are nowadays very important processes all around the world. There are some main trends in application of ICT-tools/ technologies in internationalization of higher education currently being developed and widely used. Mostly all of ICT-tools/technologies can be used in continuous education to solve problems similar to higher education. Meanwhile new ICT-tools/technologies - virtual mobility, distant academic mobility and electronic internationalization - have great potential to be applied for internationalization under specific conditions of continuous education. Conclusion. It is demonstrated that information and telecommunication technologies supply internationalization of continuous education with not only well known ICT-tools/technologies but also new ones with powerful potential.

Integration of didactic concepts in using of multi-level mobile computer books of problems in teaching the “Logic” section of school curricula
Problem and goal. The article actualizes the issues of searching for didactic-methodological bases and their integration in teaching of the “Logic” section within the framework of school curricula of computer science. The goal of the described research is an attempt to consider the content of the discipline and teaching using the multi-level mobile computer books of problems developed in the course of study as a didactic-methodological factor. Methodology. Implementation in the school educational process on computer science of mechanisms that contribute to the maximum immersion of students in the practice-oriented and professionalcontextual field through the use of multi-level mobile computer books of problems. Result. The research found that the use of multi-level mobile computer-based books of problems concerning the provisions of modern didactic concepts in the methodology of teaching computer science provides the opportunity to access education anytime and anywhere. In this, the approach based on the use of multi-level mobile computer books of problems serves as the most efficient means of developing students’ logical, analytical and critical thinking, since their content is based on multilevel basic knowledge of logic and computer science. Conclusion. The research shows that the use of multi-level mobile computer books of problems in teaching logic in the course of computer science at the stage of school education makes it possible to effectively implement didactic-methodological synthesis, making the educational process practiceoriented and professional-contextual.

Computer technology in the didactic games in science lessons in junior high
Problem and goal. In terms of informatization of school education, the use of information technology in teaching students any discipline, obviously, should be correct, justified. The article discusses the methodological aspects of the use of information technology in didactic games in computer science lessons in the lower grades. Methodology. The Federal state educational standard of primary general education is studied, the scientific and methodical literature in the field of informatics and a technique of training of informatics is analysed, the analysis of educational and methodical providing applicable at lessons of informatics is made, own experience of teaching in younger classes is generalized. Results. It is revealed that the use of various information technologies in teaching younger students improves the quality of their education. Reasonably appropriate use of information technology in the didactic games on the lessons of informatics in primary school. Conclusion. Introduction of didactic games allows to achieve efficiency of training, at the expense of giving to process of assimilation of knowledge of emotionally positive coloring. The use of information technology in didactic games in computer science lessons becomes a pronounced positive character to increase motivation, cognitive abilities, and, consequently, the quality of education of younger students. The inclusion of the developed system of exercises and tasks in the content of computer science training allows younger students to develop attention, thinking, imagination, to increase the volume of the acquired educational material.

Criteria and levels of formation of the logical competence to design mobile computer applications
Problem and goal. The article deals with the problem of formation of logical competence in the design of mobile applications for future teachers of informatics. From the position of the competence approach in the structure of logical competence in the design of mobile applications are allocated motivational, cognitive, activity, communicative, reflexive components. Special attention is paid to the criteria and levels of formation of logical competence of future teachers of informatics in the design of mobile applications. Methodology. To diagnose the degree of formation of logical competence in the design of mobile applications are three levels: reproductive, productive and creative. Results. Five criteria aimed at determining the degree of understanding and application of the logical-algebraic apparatus in the development of mobile applications, generating new knowledge based on the experience and the possibility of applying the experience in the professional field are formulated. The article provides an example of determining the degree of formation of logical competence for the design of mobile applications. Conclusion. Reproductive and productive levels demonstrate the ability of students to design mobile applications based on a ready-made template or instructions. Creative level is the highest level of formation of logical competence of the student, indicating the ability to create mobile applications at a professional level on the basis of experience.