The role of internet technologies in forming communicative competence of future teachers of English

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In article use of information technologies in education of future English teachers of language and their role formation of communicative competence is discussed.

About the authors

K M Berkimbayev

International Kazakh-Turkish university named after A. Yasavi

Кафедра общей педагогики и этнопедагогики; Международный казахско-турецкий университет им. А. Ясави; International Kazakh-Turkish university named after A. Yasavi

B K Mukhamedzhanov

International Kazakh-Turkish university named after A. Yasavi

Кафедра общей педагогики и этнопедагогики; Международный казахско-турецкий университет им. А. Ясави; International Kazakh-Turkish university named after A. Yasavi

M M Akeshova

International Kazakh-Turkish university named after A. Yasavi

Кафедра английской филологии; Международный казахско-турецкий университет им. А. Ясави; International Kazakh-Turkish university named after A. Yasavi




Abstract: 882

PDF (Russian): 237

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Copyright (c) 2012 Беркимбаев К.М., Мухамеджанов Б.К., Акешова М.М.

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