The use of information technologies and interactive teaching methods in mathematics classes during cycle training at a technical university

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Problem statement. A method of cyclic education at a university is proposed. The aim of the study is the search for answers to the questions of what is meant by this concept, and how the cyclic learning method differs from others. Methodology. The learning outcomes of students of technical universities and work results of teachers who taught subject of mathematics using information technology and interactive teaching methods are analyzed. The use of information technology in mathematics classes during cycle training at a technical university was evaluated. Results. The author considers comprehensively justified and list all the priorities of the cyclic method of teaching in higher education institutions. The main aspects of interactive methods, their types, the results of using them are described, as well as specialty of applying these methods in the classroom and in the independent work of students. Conclusion. With the cyclic method of teaching, students become active participants in the educational process, learn to use and put into practice various sources of information.

About the authors

Amon A. Rakhimov

Tajik Technical University named after Academician M.S. Osimi

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2075-4486

Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of High Mathematics and Physics, Polytechnic Institute

226 I. Somony Prospekt, Khujand, 735700, Republic of Tajikistan


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