Growth in Industrial Region
- Authors: Raevskii SV1
- The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 451-462
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The modern situation in the Russian Federation is characterized the quickly changing by environmental conditions which compel to search for new mechanisms at all levels of regional government. Thereupon formation of regional points of the growth which development is capable to lead to creation in region of economic system with the built in mechanisms of adaptation and fast reaction to changing surrounding conditions becomes the important tool. Purpose of the article - the analysis of various approaches to understanding of a point of growth in region economy, and also influences of regional points of growth on development of industrial region. Methodology/methods. On the basis of a hypothesis about the unbalanced or polarized economic development by the author own understanding of the concept of points of growth as local spatial zone of the economic activity presented in the form of the large enterprise of concrete branch or set of managing subjects within the limits of certain territory, possessing in essential potential of self-development and capable to provide high dynamics of economic growth in region is offered. Results. Depending on sources of economic development various types of regional points of growth are allocated: organizational, technological, resource, financial. On an example of the Chelyabinsk area features of their formation and development in industrial region are analysed. Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted research the conclusion that regional points of growth can become a basis of working out of the scheme of territorial planning of large region is drawn. It is shown that fuller detailed elaboration should find reflexing in strategy of social and economic development of municipal unions.
About the authors
S V Raevskii
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Author for correspondence.
Dr. Econ. Sci., professor of the IBS-Institute of Business Studies
pr-t Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, Russia, 119571References
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