Management of Labor Resources as a Basic of Increasing the Efficiency of using the Innovative Potential of the Enterprise
- Authors: Ter-Grigoryants A.A1, Belozerova O.I1
- North-Caucasus Federal University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 463-474
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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In the conditions of market instability, both in the practice of economic activity and in the scientific literature, the effective use of labor resources is increasingly recognized as the main prerequisite for the creation of qualitatively new ideas and the introduction of know-how into the production environment of economic agents. In this regard, the development and use of methods of personnel management, based on the need to address the development of the innovative potential of the commercial organization, acquire a special significance and relevance, which determined the setting of the purpose of this article. The authors substantiate the necessity of using the developed toolkit, which makes it possible to identify the willingness of the employees of the economic entity to implement innovative transformations. The research carried out on the basis of the analysis of changes in the structure of the labor resources of innovation-oriented enterprises of the North Caucasus Federal District indicates that an increase in the share of researchers in the total number of employees and an increase in their level of development contribute to the approval of a larger number of patent applications filed according to the results of R&D. The labor resources of the economic entity, being a key element of its innovative potential, require the implementation of a systematic approach to their formation and use, which lies at the intersection of economic, humanistic and competence approaches to the organization of basic managerial processes.
About the authors
Anna A Ter-Grigoryants
North-Caucasus Federal University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit of the Institute of Economics and Management
1, Pushkin str., Stavropol, Russia, 355009Oxana I Belozerova
North-Caucasus Federal University
Senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Economic Geography, Geoinformatics and Tourism of the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
1, Pushkin str., Stavropol, Russia, 355009References
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