Differentiation of the quality of life in the regional space

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The quality of life depends on the place in the social structure. Social groups have different opportunities for meeting needs and achieving goals. Positions of different social groups in the subjects of the Russian Federation differ, which can significantly influence social well-being and protest moods; therefore, the study of the quality of life in the regional space is important in both theoretical and practical perspectives. The article aims at considering differentiation of the quality of life in the regional space and identifying the most vulnerable social groups. The authors study the quality of life with the multidimensional hierarchical approach based on a complex of interrelated objective and subjective criteria. This methodology was tested in the empirical study of the quality of life in the Oryol Region. The study used the following set of indicators of the quality of life: subjective assessments of the most significant forms of deprivation; movable and immovable property; housing and the quality of living conditions; savings; access to paid social services; professional position, possibilities of professional self-realization; political activity and political culture; leisure preferences and opportunities that entail additional spending; self-identification in different spheres of life. This set of indicators allowed to describe positions of social groups and their regional differentiation: social groups that make up the regional population, their positions in the stratification system, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics were identified. The authors also identified the most vulnerable groups affected by social tensions and showed that the growth of social inequality can lead to an increase in the protest and destructive behavior.

About the authors

N. V Prokazina

Altai Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Central Russian Institute of Management - branch of the RANEPA

Author for correspondence.
Email: nvprokazina@mail.ru

доктор социологических наук, профессор кафедры психологии и социологии управления Алтайского филиала Российской Академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации; заведующая кафедрой социологии и информационных технологий Среднерусского института управления - филиала РАНХиГС

Partizanskaya St., 187, Barnaul, 656008, Russia; Blvd Pobedy, 5a, Orel, 302028, Russia

A. A Alekseenok

Central Russian Institute of Management - branch of the RANEPA

Email: alexaconst@rambler.ru

доктор социологических наук, профессор кафедры социологии и информационных технологий Среднерусского института управления

Blvd Pobedy, 5a, Orel, 302028, Russia

Yu. V Kaira

Central Russian Institute of Management - branch of the RANEPA

Email: kaira@orel.ranepa.ru

кандидат социологических наук, доцент кафедры социологии и информационных технологий Среднерусского института управления

Blvd Pobedy, 5a, Orel, 302028, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2020 Prokazina N.V., Alekseenok A.A., Kaira Y.V.

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