The Moscow youth’s resources of successful adaptation to the economic crisis and factors of enhancing their adaptation potential

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The article presents the features of the adaptation potential of the urban youth as the most successfully adapting to the crisis group of the Russian population. Based on the results of the secondary analysis of empirical data, the author emphasizes the lack of scientific knowledge about the factors contributing to the successful adaptation of the megapolis youth to the social-economic crisis. The article explains the necessity to use a special methodological approach to the study of adaptation of young people to crisis conditions, which takes into account the complex of resources involved in adaptation and social development. Based on the P.S. Kuznetsov’s complex model of social development resources ensuring successful adaptation of the youth, the author conducted empirical interpretation and operationalization of the notion “youth’s adaptation potential” using seven sets of resources: material, self-preservation, regulatory, reproductive, communicative, cognitive and self-realization. Based on the monitoring of the Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, the author identifies the factors for successful adaptation of the Moscow youth to the economic crisis: high family income; search for additional earnings rather than waiting for help from government and public structures; small cash savings; the indirect impact of the crisis and the high assessment of one’s financial situation; high level of readiness to take material, social and financial risks; stability and security in the workplace, the ability to realize one’s skills; high level of communicative resources; high level of education, a broad outlook and motivation for self-education; value orientations that contribute to an active adaptation strategy; positive attitude to achieving life goals. The article presents some recommendations for decision makers in the field of youth policy aimed at strengthening the adaptive potential of the Moscow youth and successful models of adaptation to crisis conditions in everyday practices.

About the authors

E. V. Shlykova

Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

кандидат социологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Центра исследования адаптационных процессов в меняющемся обществе Института социологии Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра

Krzhizhanovskogo St., 24/35, bldg. 5, Moscow, 117218, Russia


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