The construction of figurativeness and a character as an artist in the novels by A. Baricco in the Italian language and Russian translations

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This article deals with the construction of the figure of a character as an artist as seen in the works of the Italian writer A. Baricco and in their Russian translations; some of the main theoretical theses on figurativeness and its forms in literary texts are exposed; a short characterization of A. Baricco’s style is given; some extracts from his novels “Ocean-Sea” and “Mister Gwyn” are quoted together with the analysis of the strategies used for the construction of the figure of characters as artists; structural similarities of the two novels are highlighted; conclusions are made on the techniques of construction of figurativeness used in the novels quoted.

About the authors

Tatiana Lutero

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10-2A, Moscow, Russia, 117198


Copyright (c) 2016 Lutero T.

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