Poetry by Louise Glück, translated by Ekaterina Dies: “Wanderer Persephone” from the Poetry Collection “Averno”

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In this paper we’ve tried to analyze the translation of L. Glück poem about Persephone (poetry collection “Averno”), carried out by Ekaterina Dais. A brief outline of literary work of Louise Glück is given. Using the method of hermeneutic commentary, the leitmotifs of her poetic and prose works are characterized. Understanding these motives is an important stage in the pre-text work, since the complex codes (often implicative) presented in poems about Persephone cannot be adequately deciphered without prior knowledge, and, therefore, it is not possible to evaluate the efforts of the translator, the tactics chosen by her. The material for the analysis is the poem “Wanderer Persephone” from the poetry collection “Averno”. Another goal of the article is to acquaint the Russian-speaking reader with the work of the original American poetess, which is currently reflected in the Russian scientific discourse.

About the authors

Elena A. Markova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: markova_ea@pfur.ru

Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

6, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., 117198, Moscow, Russian Federation


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