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The article deals with the problem of children’s bilingualism whose first language is Bulgarian, and the second is Russian. In polylingual Transnistrian region bilingual children meet some difficulties in their language assimilation (in this case, we mean Russian and Bulgarian languages). These difficulties are: the effect of Parkansky dialect on Bulgarian literary language; errors in spelling, in pronunciation of certain words and expressions. On the other hand, as the language of communication in family continues to be Bulgarian, Russian language skills are limited to everyday speech.Our goal is to understand the mechanism of children’s bilingualism developing. We would like to find out, what are the ways and the social causes of bilingualism. This research is based on speech records (bilingual children aged from 3 to 10 ages). As a result, we offer exemplary exercises for working with bilingual children. Finally, we’ve discussed the pros and cons of children’s bilingualism in polylingual Transnistrian society.

About the authors

N V Krivoshapova

Pridnestrovian State University of T.G. Shevchenko

Author for correspondence.

Krivoshapova Natalia Viktorovna is a Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication of the Transnistrian State University. Named after T.G. Shevchenko.

25 October str., Tiraspol, 107, 3300-MD


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  2. Bilingualism: Advantage or Problem? URL: (Date 10.10.2016).

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