
Interpretation of H. Beecher-Stowe’s ideas in the novel “Uncle Tom’s cabin” in the context of G.M. Fredrikson’s concept of “romantic racism”
Zueva E.G., Lukhneva I.K.
US-Canada Relations in the 1950s - 1980s: Consensus or Disagreement?
Komarov A.N.
The Chinese view on the Ukranian factor in the international policy
Xie Y.
American Factor in Inter-Korean Relations in 2012-2023
Katkova E.Y., Glushchenko A.I.
Chinese Concepts and Opportunities in Information Warfare: China-US Rivalry in Cyberspace
Katkova E.Y., Yunyushkina A.S.
US public diplomacy in the Republic of Cyprus 1974-2004
Danilov A.V.
The prospects for development of the Russian-US strategic dialogue
Mizin V.I.
Mamlouk F.M.
New Issues of Strategic Stability
Mizin V.I.
U.S. aid to Taiwan in education in the post-war period (1951–1965)
Petrov D.I.
The priorities in Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Morocco
Ponomarenko L.V., Chikrizova O.S.
James Grover McDonald and the foundation of American – Israeli relations, 1948–1949
Tsaregorodtseva G.I.
“The looters are just expropriating what they would otherwise have bought...”. Towards the phenomenology of contemporary protest in the United States
Voronin S.A., Yakemenko B.G.
Forming and realization of US politics towards Islamic republic of Iran in 1993–1996
Safonov A.S.
Retrospective of using the US universities and the Foreign Policy Association as elements of public diplomacy in the United States
Danilov A.V.
Chmyreva V.A.
Gaitan: The Fate of the Columbian Liberal
Ivanov N.S.
D. Schevitch's Reports on the Beginning of the 1898 Spanish-American War
Fridman M.A.
1 - 18 of 18 Items

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