Vol 15, No 2 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/world-history/issue/view/1654
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8127-2023-15-2
Full Issue
Political history of the East and the West
US-Canada Relations in the 1950s - 1980s: Consensus or Disagreement?
The purpose of the article is to finalize the impact of the relationship between the USA and Canada on the Canadian foreign policy in 1957-1984. The author focuses the reader’s attention on analysis of trends in the relations between USA and Canada, as well as the identification of the patterns of their further development. Based on the use of an appropriate historical sources and scientific literature, the article gives an idea of the characteristic features of the relationship between the USA and Canada during the premierships of John Diefenbaker, Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau. When writing an article, the author uses a comparative historical method, as well as an interdisciplinary approach. The first allows us to compare the development of the relations between USA and Canada in 1957-1984. The latter shows the influence of the relationship between USA and Canada on the activities of political parties in Canada. The scientific contribution of the author of the article is that for the first time in Russian historiography, he considers not just the general directions of Canada’s foreign policy, but analyzes the key of them - the relationship between USA and Canada, its evolution and dynamics. The author comes to the conclusion that the periodization of the relationship between USA and Canada reflected the complexity of their development, and the anti-americanism of Diefenbaker and Trudeau had no deep foundation. Firstly, it was the result of Diefenbaker’s personal grievances against Kennedy. Secondly, Trudeau demonstrated that Canada’s foreign policy has an independent character. However, this did not mean his departure from the relationship between USA and Canada as a major.
Rethinking the globalization through the lens of indonesian traditional political culture
The aim of the study is to identify original Indonesian approaches to the globalization phenomenon from Indonesia’s political culture standpoint, bearing in mind also the socio-political thought of the Indonesian people, as well as the historical and cultural features of the Indonesian statehood formation. The author analyzes the assumption that Indonesian society and the elites share original globalization perception, thus Indonesia’s self-positioning in a globalizing world is not only a matter of diplomacy or politics, but also a question of political philosophy and social psychology. From the point of methodology, the author relies on constructivism IR theory, as it necessary to study the Indonesian beliefs set regarding globalization and world development processes. As a result, the author concludes that the pandemic consequences and international crises are increasingly dividing the world, and globalization is often considered stalled, however, for the Indonesian mindset, globalization is an important world order element, while it is perceived not as total westernization or neocolonialism, but as a fair exchange between sovereign nations. The research contribution is also determined by the need to analyze non-Western approaches to key world development issues and the international actor’s communication, considering the transformation of the contemporary IR system and the global politics shift to the Asia-Pacific region.
Modern World
A Critical Analysis on the Impediments of Regional Integration in Central Asia
Central Asia emerged as an internationally important region after the five republics gained their independence from the USSR in 1991. The new regional identities that gained independence in Central Asia soon had the potential to motivate the regional integration process in this region. Until recently, the region’s independent identity was often blurred by Eurasia, as it was not unanimously recognized as a separate geopolitical region. At present, nearly three decades after independence, these countries yet could not break the spell of traditional interstate interaction. Central Asia is the only region in the world that lags behind other regions in terms of indigenous regional integration. The purpose of this article is primarily to emphasize that Central Asia is an influential regional entity with an independent identity. Second, it focuses on the factors behind the regional integration process or situation and the absence of an indigenous regional institution. It is argued that regional distinctive features and influence of interregional actors have frozen the regional integration process in Central Asia.
History of Europe
Incarceration Conditions of the French Prisoners of War in the British Prison in Chatham in 1803-1814: Regression Analysis of the Duration of Captivity and Mortality
The relevance of this article is studying of the problem of “Man at war” includes examining a fate of prisoners of war. Detention conditions of Frenchmen in England during the Napoleonic wars remain a subject of discussions in the foreign historiography. Besides this, it has also never been studied earlier in the national historiography. In the article they are considered by means of regression analysis of captivity duration and mortality. Their dependence from such factors as age, height, rank, type of vessel, year of capturing etc. is considered. This method reveals if there was any discrimination in releasing and if food supply and other conditions were satisfying for survival in detention. The results are compared with the data of the Danish and Norwegian prisoners who were kept in the same prison. The aim is to examine detention conditions of the French captives on English prison hulks. The result of the study is reveal of the duration of captivity depending from the period of seizing: the first arrivals spent the longest time in a prison that indicates the halting of captives’ exchange as early as 1803. It also depended from way of leaving the prison: if the prisoner was exchanged, dyed or escaped. Persons aged less than 12 and over 50 were released earlier. Children, the elderly, officers could be released only on parole. Military seamen were kept longer than the rest. At the same time, death in captivity appears to be occasional. It indicates that food of the French prisoners in England was sufficient for survival. But other conditions led to a high mortality: 8-14 % of the French captives died in custody.
The Conquest of Piemont. The War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714
The purpose of this article is to identify the features of military art as an integral part of Western European culture in the period of late feudalism using the example of a separate campaign of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714). The focus of the study is the military operations in Piedmont in 1704 and their reflection in the military documentation, memoirs as well as in the correspondence of Louis XIV, the French minister of war Chamillard with the French command in Piedmont and Savoy. The article examines an episode of Western European military history that has not yet been reflected in Russian historiography. It presents an interest in terms of the prospects for a comparative military-historical analysis of the era of Peter the Great and Europe on the eve of the Modern Age. The article reflects the conditionality of Western European wars by intra-dynastic conflicts and contest between the ruling monarchical houses as well as the typical features of Western European military art namely the decision-making mechanism within the framework of the so-called “cabinet” command and control, the limitation of operational goals, the positional nature of the strategy, the rejection of determinateness in favor of passive methodism, commitment to siege warfare and maneuver tactics, the growing role of military engineering and logistical support.
Chronology of the Schism in the Estonian Orthodox Church in the Light of Relations between the Moscow and Constantinople Patriarchates
The question of property rights of Orthodox Estonians as well as the problem of coexistence of the two parallel Church jurisdictions on the Estonian territory remains unresolved to the present day, despite the regular meetings conducted and agreements reached. The relations between the Moscow and Constantinople Patriarchates on the Estonian issue have reached an impasse. The article presents and analyzes the chronology of the dissent in the Estonian Orthodox Church (EOC) from the perspective of the actions of the Moscow and Constantinople Patriarchates. This allows us to take a glance at the history of the dissent from a special angle in light of the relations between the two Patriarchates in order to identify the features of the strategy of the two Patriarchates, to note the main turning points in this relationship, to estimate the role of the Constantinople Patriarchate in the events related to the split of the EOC as a wholeas well as to propose ways out of the conflict, which is being exacerbated at this time. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the problem of the dissent in the Estonian Orthodox Church is considered only against the background of the analysis of the actions of the Moscow and Constantinople Patriarchates. The connection is established between the events of 20-70s of the 20th century which preceded the dissent in the 1990s as well as the direct intervention of Constantinople Patriarchate in the EOC activity in the 1990s. For a research on the designated topic for the first time are used materials (as historical sources) from the archives of the Chancellery of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the dissent in the EOC was provoked by the Constantinople Patriarchate, whose campaign to seize some parts of the Estonian Orthodox Church was carried out with the tacit approval of the Estonian government circles. In this regard, the author sees a way out of the created crisis only in close cooperation between the Church and the state, namely at the level of the governments of Estonia and Russia.
“Strasbourg Miracles of the Blessed Mary” and the Influence of the City Cathedral Church on Pilgrimages in Alsace in the 13th Century
The relevance of the research topic is determined by the historical continuity of the cultural traditions and models of religious worship of objects of spiritual heritage in the urban habitat as well as their [traditions and models] variability depending on the particular circumstances. The purpose of the study is to identify the forms of influence of a unique place of concentration of the spiritual life namely the Strasbourg Cathedral of the Virgin Mary on the individual strategies of medieval pilgrims in the particular region. During the process of research the particular interest presents the writing “Strasbourg Miracles of the Blessed Mary” containing episodes of the miraculous events and healings which took place in the Strasbourg Cathedral church in 1280. In the process of analyzing this and other historical writings we got an overview of the pilgrims’ cultural perception of the Cathedral construction process, their religious leisure and interaction with urban dwellers and habitat. It was found that in the process of engagement between pilgrims and urban dwellers with a specific place of concentration of spiritual life (taking into account the scale of its [place] of cultural and religious significance for the region) there are seen special, exalted forms of religious activity namely public statements about the miraculous healings etc. The act of “miracle”, in its turn, becomes into a ceremony where a participant has a high social value and presents the primary interest for spectators and witnesses. Thus, the study expands the existing scientific ideas about the forms and peculiarities of the medieval Catholic piety completing their general picture by an episode of the faithful’s interaction with a unique religious object.
African Studies
“The Most Remarkable Man among Arabs, Waswahili, and Half-Castes in Africa”: The Image of Tippu Tip in the Memories and Travelogues of Europeans in the Second Half of the 19th Century
The main purpose of the article is to systemize and represent the references and descriptions of Hamed bin Mohammed al-Murjabi available in written sources. Hamed bin Mohammed, who is better known as Tippu Tip, was a Zanzibar merchant and one of the most influential figures in East and Central Africa in the second half of the 19th century. Corpus of sources are represented by memories and travelogues of the European explorers, colonial officials and missionaries, who personally knew Tippu Tip. The article examines the main features of his image and its evolution from “the most remarkable man among Arabs, Swahili, and Half-Castes” to “a renowned slave trader”, who embodies all evil of the Arab slave trade. The particular attention is paid to the conflict between Tippu Tip and Henry M. Stanley during the infamous Emin Pasha Relief Expedition; it is also considered evidences of Tippu Tip’s participation in raids on the local population of Central Africa in order to capture slaves and ivory.
Errata et corrigenda
Correction: Corrigendum: Formation of the Egyptian collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan: a contribution to the development of Russian Egyptology
RUDN Journal of World History. 2021;13 (2):211-229. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi. org/10.22363/2312-8127-2021-13-2-211-229 Misprints and errors do not affect the conclusions of the article. Corrections have been made to the online version of the article. The author and the editors of the journal apologize to the readers for the presence of typos and errors in the text of the article. The author of the article apologizes for the initial incorrect information.