No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 9
- URL:
Editor’s note
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):5-6

The model of the World in the sound of Chinese zither chin
The article analyses the tradition of the long zither chin, which associated in China with a symbol of high education and the deserving behaviour. The sounding of the chin during the 3 thousands years is considered to be a criterion of the beatiful and «correct» sound.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):7-32

Contacts between China and Central Asia in the spiritual sphere in the I millennium
The article investigates the forms, ways and the results of contacts between China and Central Asia in spiritual culture. The Silk Road was the main route by which to move goods and to support international trade and diplomatic relations. But it also became an important road for run-properties to the east Manicheans, Nestorians, and other exiles from the West. It was that way Buddhism entered China.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):33-39

Symbolism and Origins of Vulture Headgear of Egyptian Goddesses and Queens
This article deals with one of the most important attributes of Ancient Egyptian goddesses and queens – the vulture headgear. On the basis of various figurative and written sources the origin and symbolic value of the headgear are analyzed. A special attention is paid to visual parallels drawn between queens and such protective goddesses-mothers as Nekhbet, Wadjet and Mut.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):40-52

Forming and realization of US politics towards Islamic republic of Iran in 1993–1996
The article contains an analysis of the first Clinton administration’s political line towards IRI. The author discloses conceptual foundation of US approach, logic and character of american-iranian relations in the situation of globalization and formation of unipolar world after the ending of the Cold War.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):53-66

Islamic factor in the domestic policy of Marocco
The article touches upon the analysis of Islam's influence on the domestic policy in Morocco, on the establishment and development of Moroccan political system. The authors also go into detail on the activity of moderate and radical Islamists in Morocco, highlighting reasons of unpopularity of radical ideas among Moroccans.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):67-81

Formation of collections of ancient Egyptian monuments in Russian museums in the early XX century
The article describes the history of the formation of the Egyptian collections in non-core Russian museums in the late XIX – early XX century. At this time, the owners of private collections began to sell and donate to various museums monuments of ancient Egyptian art. Initially, this phenomenon was due to their patriotism and desire to «serve the motherland», but at the beginning of XX century, it has become more necessary measure, since begun forced nationalization of works of art that were in private hands. In any case, such a fact contributed to the expansion of domestic resource base of Egyptology and has enabled many of them to enter into scholarly.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):92-100

Our authors
RUDN Journal of World History. 2013;(1):101