Temporality of social care in the pandemic context of urbanism and culture of inclusion

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The article presents the results of the sociological analysis of the temporal aspects of social care in the new conditions of the pandemic reality. The pandemic is considered as a set of conditions and factors that determine the specific dynamics of societal transformations that affect almost all aspects of the life of society including its temporality - the present and future. Digital technologies, distant models of social relations, mobility and cohesion become priorities for social policy and social care. The pandemic, on the one hand, exacerbates social inequality, on the other hand, levels it out in the ways of self-realization (network technologies), ways of obtaining benefits, primarily from the state (digital social, financial and other services). The pandemic has a binary impact on the practices of social care, programs and technologies for social services, social support, social assistance, and social protection. These practices are most effectively carried out in urbanized areas, where the quality of social care is partly determined by the quality and availability of the relevant urban infrastructure. Based on the results of the new Russian and foreign research presented at the conference under review, the forms, values and resources of social care in the pandemic society are described together with the specifics of distant culture and social inequality in the contemporary city, barriers to mobility (digital, social-perceptual, social-legal), challenges, actors and discourses of social work, lockdowns of social life.

About the authors

V. N. Yarskaya-Smirnova

Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin

Author for correspondence.
Email: zaitsevd@bk.ru

доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры философии, социологии, психологии

Politekhnicheskaya St., 122, Saratov, 410054, Russia

E. R. Yarskaya-Smirnova

Higher School of Economics

Email: jarskaya@mail.ru

доктор социологических наук, заведующая Международной лабораторией исследований социальной интеграции

Pokrovsky Av., 11, Moscow, 109028, Russia

D. V. Zaitsev

Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin

Email: elena.iarskaia@gmail.com

доктор социологических наук, профессор кафедры философии, социологии, психологии

Politekhnicheskaya St., 122, Saratov, 410054, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2022 Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N., Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., Zaitsev D.V.

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