Ethnic Stereotypes in Intercultural Communication: Psychological and Semantic Aspects
- Authors: Novikov A.L.1, Novikova I.A.1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Issue: Vol 10, No 4 (2019): Linguistic Semantics and Semiotics. Literary Text Studies
- Pages: 977-989
- URL:
- DOI:
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Currently, ethnic stereotypes are considered as phenomena that mediate the processes of intercultural perception, dialogue and interaction. This fact determines the relevance of it comprehensive interdisciplinary study by different sciences (sociology, political science, psychology, linguistics, etc.). In this article, ethnic stereotypes are analyzed, firstly, at the psychological level (types, functions, structure), and secondly, at the psycholinguistic and psychosemantic levels (from the point of view of the rationale for it diagnosis with using the semantic differential). The possibilities of the semantic differential for studying the content, consistency, direction and intensity of social stereotypes in general, as well as the method modifications for diagnosis ethnic stereotypes, are examined. The heuristic potential of semantic differential for diagnosing ethnic stereotypes as phenomena, on the one hand, reflecting various aspects of intercultural perception and dialogue, and, on the other hand, directly affecting the intercultural interaction, is shown on the example of empirical studies on ethnic stereotypes in the intercultural communication context. The results of ethnic stereotypes studies are of high practical importance for the development of programs for increase intercultural competence, which are in demand in various areas of modern society in the face of e globalization and the growth of intercultural contacts (education, business, tourism, etc.).
About the authors
Alexey L. Novikov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Author for correspondence.
Ph.D. in Philology, is Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the General and Russian Linguistics Department
Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198Irina A. Novikova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Ph.D. in Psychology, is Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Social and Differential Psychology Department
Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198References
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