- Authors: Kadilina O.A1, Ryadchikova E.N2
- RUDN University
- Kuban State University
- Issue: Vol 9, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 859-882
- URL:
- DOI:
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The goal of this research is to elicit the list of linguistic, pragmatic and cultural parameters that characterize strong linguistic personality and on the other hand week linguistic personality along with generalized average linguistic personality and to define their verbal behavior during verbal communication. In this regard, it is necessary to define individual stylistic characteristics for a strong linguistic personality; to determine skills and knowledge for a strong linguistic personality taking into consideration unique interpersonal and intercultural communication; to review the national, cultural specifics for the strong linguistic personality who belongs to English-American speech culture; to reveal the motives leading to formation of the English-speaking strong linguistic personality; to analyze the communicative problems of the weak linguistic personality. The aspects mentioned above have determined the fact that in our study we refer to such issues as parameterization and linguistic personality behavior in the field of interpersonal and intercultural communication, the search for the people’s talk exchange optimum alternatives. The contexts from D. Carnegie books are the illustrative material of our article.
About the authors
Olga A Kadilina
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, teacher of CPE / Department of Foreign Languages / Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional development; Research interests: linguistic personality, linguistic cultural studies, linguistic pragmatics, linguistic picture of the world, language of the author, verbal impact, interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, national and cultural features of the linguistic personality
6, Miklouho-Maclay st., Moscow, 117198Elena N Ryadchikova
Kuban State University
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics Department of the Kuban State University (Krasnodar); Research interests: verbal communication, culture of speech, theory of language, language history, linguistic philosophy, impact of speech, linguistic logic, linguocognitivistics, linguopragmatics, linguistic personality, semantics, syntax, linguistic worldimage, national mentality, linguistic representation of an altered state of consciousness, biblical studies, aphoristics, linguistic conflictology, linguistic sphere, linguistic consciousness, linguistic thinking, possible worlds
149, Stavropol st., Krasnodar, 350040References
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