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The article considers the realization of one of the most active and stable metaphorical language models based on the development of secondary meanings of the Slavs’ food names and known as the culinary code, from the linguocultural and linguo-didactic standpoint. Culinary cultural code “encodes” our understanding of the world through food images having names. The author’s goal is to reveal the general and the specific in the development of secondary names of food; consider the food names specific for the ethnic cultures being compared, tracing their fate in the secondary semiosis - in metaphores, similes, phraseological expressions, proverbs - on the material of nouns in two Slavic languages, Russian and Czech. The article concludes that the facts of secondary naming transmitting culinary code often carry culturological information, objectify particular perceptions of the world by different ethnic groups, even those going back to the common Proto-Slavic roots. Bilingual comparison of lexical units transmitting cultural code allows a certain way of organizing lexical material for it to be studied by non-Russian Slavic audiences. On the basis of the linguocultural analysis of food names in the two compared Slavic languages, the article offers linguo-didactic grouping of the vocabulary in their figuratve meanings, in accordance with the belonging to a particular culture code. This will ensure effective mastering of the vocabulary of a certain thematic group not only in the denotative, but also in the conceptual meaning, making it possible to comprehend the culture, transmitted by the closely related language under study, in comparison with the native culture.

About the authors

Elena M Markova

Moscow State Regional University; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language at Moscow State Regional University; Professor of the Department of Russian Studies at St. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava (Slovakia). Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Radio str., 10A, Moscow, Russia, 105005; Trnava, Slovakia


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