No 2 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Ball culture of the Moscow nobility of the 18th - first halfof 19th century: ceremony, entertainment or love game?
In the article on the basic of various sources, including the manuscripts and personal origin, attempt of reconstruction of ball culture of the Russian metropolitan nobility of the eighteenth and the first half of nineteenth century. The author made a conclusion of the nobility ball from compulsory state ceremony to secular entertainment determined his long time and popularity in Russia and especially in Moscow. Despite of some liberalization of ball culture in nineteenth century was one of the reasons of appearance new secular etiquette, including gender aspects, which later acquired general estate character. In article retraces the connection between the changes of dances in the balls and the character of public relation.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):5-23

Family education in Russia in the first half of the 19th century
In the given article the particular qualities of the domestic education in Russia in this time frame are examined as well as and its core value. Likewise the attitude of the State towards the family education, the State control tools to ensure the proper level of education and the high level of morality in the domestic education and upbringing of children.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):24-31

The problem of theft depravity in traditional Russian culture(middle of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century)
This article touches upon the problem of perceiving and comprehending the theft within its interrelationship with the concept of sin, which is in its turn considered to be one of the most important notions of the Christian ethics. Considering this very aspect theft studies make it easy to pinpoint certain peculiarities of the traditional sense of justice and national morality. In terms of temporal perspective the idea of sin correlates with an image of theft victim. Then the larceny turns into a certain visitation for the recently committed offence or crime. Thus, we can draw up a certain cause-and-effect line: any crime or offence entails punishment, which is actually a crime aimed at somebody, who has committed the crime first. In this case we can talk about the synonymy of crime and punishment as well as about the cumulation of sin.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):32-38

«The Mood of 1914»: Towards Re-Examination оf the historiographical Metaphor (Russia and the West)
The article deals with the problem of modern historiography explanation of «the mood of 1914». The author studies the main tendencies of the re-examination of this metaphor, the peculiarities of Russian historiography explanatory models, perspectives of further research. The phenomenon regards as a vital dimension of national mobilization in belligerent countries.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):39-50

. Sickness rate, death-rate, birth rate and medical care of people in Soviet province in 1920-1930s (on the basis of the astrakhan region's sources)
In this article the author leans on rich statistical material and passes the comparative analysis of level of sickness rate, death rate, birth rate and medical care in the pre-revolutionary and soviet Russia of period of New Economic Policy and Stalin industrialization. The author connects the demographic processes with political and socio-economic situation in Astrakhan region and determines when government created the most favorable conditions for reduces the level of sickness rate and death rate of Soviet people.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):51-64

AN «intrigue» as the factor of service attitudes: non-hierarchical communications between the russian officials in the last quarter of 19th century
The article is devoted to all aspects of evolution of the intra-bureaucratic communications, which were at the top of the political system and out of hierarchical attitudes at the end of 19th century. The author has proved, that imperfection of system often forced officials of different ranks to search for roundabout ways for realization of the projects, successful carrying out of departmental policy. The intrigue in all variety of the displays came to the aid of them. It appeared often the only weapon (the inevitable weapon) of struggle for purpose, and it became necessary addition of a management system in this quality.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):65-78

The genealogy of bureaucratism in history of the soviet komsomol
The article is devoted to the problem of Komsomolґs regeneration from independent organization to State machinery within the Soviet period. The author has proved, that bureaucratism grew in Komsomol circles from year to year and leaders of the organization reported about it during congresses. Even «the easy cavalry» has not solved this problem. M.N. Novikov has come to conclusion, that the raised salaries, additional rations, personal automobiles and other privileges, and also replacement of an elective principle by «the biographical approach», have transformed workers of Komsomol into executors of orders from supreme power, and L.Y.C.L.S.U to the economic organization.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):79-82

Bureaucratism in an industrial and daily life of the Soviet workers by the eyes of political opposition and satirists of 1920s
In given clause on materials of inner-party discussions and satirical products of 1920s years actual problems of the Soviet validity of the first послереволюционного the decades connected with display of bureaucratism in an industrial and daily life of the Soviet workers are considered. The author compares with the political point of view of party opposition and a sight of satirists at defects of formed Soviet bureaucratic system.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):83-95

Before-kolkhoz village: «Co-operate? But according to the letter of the soviet law…»
The article is devoted to the struggle of departments during the legislative process on the topic of an integration of producers in the before-kolkhoz period. Due to the available archival files of superior bodies of power it was determined that a careful developmental workout of drafts was practiced. New soviet conditions led to contradictions, which caused different interests in existing economic-political groups. Difference interests were the reason of fight for the normative acts' letter.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):96-106

. Free word in Siberia: from a history of illegal publishingsocialists in 1905-1907
The article the total data on the basic aspects of illegal publishing Siberian socialists in 1905-1907 for the first time is stated. The author has counted quantity of underground printing houses, number technicians, working in them, financial deductions on the contents of polygraphist base, quantity of the leaflets, brochures, newspapers, magazines issued Siberian socialists during revolution. In the article the names of the authors of the illegal editions are named, the scales of their distribution are shown, the reprisals of imperial law-enforcement bodies are opened concerning polygraphist base of the revolutionaries. The article gives the characteristic of a role of an illegal revolutionary seal Siberian socialists during formation of political culture of the local population.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):107-117

Legal status of foreign businessmen in Russia in 1870-1914
Legal bases of foreign business activity in Russian Empire are considered in the article. The principle of equality of Russian and foreign subjects has become the basis of legislative regulation of business activity of foreign capital. In general, legislative regulation of foreign business in Russian was notable for consistent protection of state national interests and home business support.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):118-124

Commonwealth of the independent states - the new formof interethnic integration
In clause on a concrete historical material the new independent sovereign states are analyzed which have been formed after disintegration of the USSR. Forms of their integration in economic, military, cultural and social integration are shown. Conclusions are done and the offers directed on the further efficiency of their cooperation are formulated.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):125-133

Principal Scientific Publications of the Russian History chair of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in 2007
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):134-136

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(2):137-138