Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1678
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2023-10-2
Full Issue
Budgetary Mechanisms for Implementing the Priorities of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation
The need to determine the priorities of the scientific and technological development of the country and the effective financing of research and development dictates the application in practice of the ideas of the scientific budget. Based on the conducted research, the authors proposed the principles of the scientific budget, of which the most significant are: the priority of financing the most significant areas of research and development; ensuring a single targeted approach to managing the costs of R&D at all stages of the life cycle of scientific research and experimental development. The procedure for developing a scientific budget, from the point of view of the authors, consists of a number of stages. In particular, it is envisaged to assign additional functionality to the Unified State Accounting Information System of R&D related to the evaluation and selection of scientific topics (R&D projects), as well as determining the amount of funding for work from the federal budget. The algorithm for implementing the additional functionality of the system includes a procedure for determining the compliance of the R&D project with the priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, evaluating the scientific and scientific and technical results of the project according to the criteria of the technology readiness level, as well as conducting a comparative analysis of the project under consideration with the average indicators of a sample of analog projects generated in the system automatically. The application of a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of the tools of the state program “Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation” in the formation of the scientific budget allows us to draw conclusions about the need to optimize, expand or reduce the list of program tools. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program tools is carried out according to the criteria: 1) necessity; 2) sufficiency; 3) the degree of contribution to the achievement of the goal.

Image of the USSR: The Results of Contemporary Education
Changes in the ideas of Russian society about the USSR are of significant interest. These changes are due to transformations of the external and internal environment, changes in the educational and media environment. The problem of the formation of modern images of the USSR in Russian society acquires high relevance in the context of the so-called “wars of memory”. Shifts in favor of a positive assessment of the Soviet period and a negative about the collapse of the country are obvious in Russian society. Moreover, this approach is also characteristic of the youngest age groups, despite differences in ideas with older generations.

Features of the Formation of the Ideology of the Russian State
The article provides the psychological and political analysis of the formation of the ideology of the Russian state. For this, the authors applied the methods developed in the LeningradPetersburg school of prof. A.I. Yuriev, which allow a systematic description of the psychological phenomena and processes involved in the formation of ideology, its development and transmission to the next generations. Systematic consideration of psychological factors makes it possible to construct an ideology that is closest to the mentality of the population, and to correct it in time.

The Problem of the «Sovereign Internet» in Russia
The article is devoted to the problem of sovereignty of the Russian segment of the global Internet. The hypothesis of the study is that the Russian government intends to take control of the dissemination of information via the Internet, but this intention runs counter to the economic interests and objectives of the modernization of the country based on modern technologies. In this regard, the actions of the Russian authorities in this area are contradictory and half-hearted. Attempts to control the information space, social networks and video blogs are increasingly on the agenda in many states. At the dawn of its existence, the Russian segment of the Internet was practically free from censorship and from any interference from the state in general. Each user was free to express his personal opinion without fear of censorship. It should be recognized that complete freedom has not always been for the good. There were websites on the Runet that freely spread neo-Nazi, chauvinistic, xenophobic views. As the confl with the West deepened, the idea of protecting the Runet from hostile ideological infl following the example of China, was increasingly discussed in Russian government circles. Currently, the Runet, despite increased censorship, is still an integral part of the Internet. The fi part of the article is devoted to the analysis and comparison of the degree of control of social networks in diff countries and come to logical conclusions.

Moral Aspects of Promoting Public Entertainment Venues among Young People in the Internet Information and Communication Network
In the article, the authors consider the moral and ethical problems that are associated with the image of public and mass platforms in the media space. In addition to ethical issues, the article deals with social and moral aspects. Modern public entertainment venues are being developed with state support, thanks to which young people can construct their leisure time and have the opportunity to develop for free. The article examines the relationship between the active participation of the authorities and the positive development of the media image. The moral and ethical aspects of the media image are closely related to modern technologies. Modern technologies are intertwined with the harsh conditions of the modern media environment. The main idea of the article is to demonstrate the inextricable connection between state support and municipal public platforms. The authors propose ways of developing and disseminating information about a positive image in the media environment that meet ethical standards.

Practical Recommendations on the Organization of Municipal Transformations in the Republic of Kalmykia
The article is devoted to the possibilities of transformation of municipalities on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia. The appearance of this work is caused by the fact that in recent years there has been an active consolidation of municipalities [1]. Such subjects as Stavropol region, Perm region, Zabaikalsky region, Kurgan region, Kaliningrad region and a number of other subjects of the Russian Federation are gradually moving away from the two-level system. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to consider the possibilities and prospects in the case of the transformation of municipalities in the Republic of Kalmykia from “municipal regions” to “municipal districts”, as well as the impact on the management system by the specified subject of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in the Republic of Kalmykia [2].

Problems and Prospects of Chinese Infrastructure Construction and Investment Activity in Latin America
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of economic relations between China and Latin American countries at the present stage. The characteristic features of trade relations and the implementation of joint infrastructure projects were revealed. There were outlined China’s interests in cooperation with Latin America. Latin American countries are trying to maneuver between the United States and China, often choosing China as a more profitable partner. China is striving to build a new system of international economic relations in Latin America and the whole world, the important directions of which will be the creation of conditions for the stable development of Chinese economy.

Work Ethics Practices and Employee Retention Towards Economic Recovery in the Brewery Industries of Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria
The study investigated work ethics practices and employee retention in the manufacturing industries in Lagos, Nigeria with focus on the Nigerian Breweries, Lagos as the unit of analysis. The study identified work ethics practices found operational to include integrity accountability, professionalism, and respectfulness. The corresponding relationship between these work ethics practices and employee retention was also evaluated with the view to providing information on how work ethics practices influence employee retention. The study made use of primary data with the aid of a structured questionnaire administered to 300 respondents randomly to elicit information from the selected respondents. It was found that integrity as a practice was prevalent among other practices found to be operational in the area of study and also found that there exists a significant positive relationship among all the variables of work ethics practices and employee retention where accountability practice with employee retention (r = 0.546, p < 0.05), respectfulness practice with employee retention (r = 0.677, p < 0.05), professionalism practice with employee retention (r = 0.658, p < 0.05) and integrity practice with employee retention (r = 0.748, p < 0.05). it was concluded that work ethics practice is a good cost control strategy to sustain employee retention without incurring additional costs, especially in the wake of economic recession and recovery. Thus, recommended that the management of the Nigerian Breweries should institutionalise work ethics practices and educate employees of the organisation on the essence of the practices.

Toward an Integrated Model for Public Technology Policy Analysis - a Taxonomy Useful for Determining Scope and Type of Analysis
How might the analysis of public technology policy be further systematised and made more objective so that important factors such as conscious subjects, interests, infl and prioritisation could better be taken into account by policy analysts and decision-makers? An integrated model designed to guide and structure the analysis process might comprise a solution to this problem. An adequately sophisticated yet concise and systematic framework of this sort would necessarily take into account the referential point of departure and alternative types of policy analysis as well as the nature, interests and priorities of those entities actually shaping public technology policy. The segment of the proposed integrated model and which is concerned with built-in assumptions about the nature of technological development has been covered in a previous article [1]. The purpose of the current article is to develop and present one further part or segment of an integrated model for public technology policy analysis (IMTPA) and to demonstrate its methodological and analytical utility with central policy analysis documents from Canada during the period 1990-2005. This article shall limit itself to a part of the IMTPA concerned with the type and scope of public technology policy analysis to be undertaken - a methodology which might better guide and make more transparent both the policies being examined as well as the policy analysis process itself.

Workforce Planning and Organizational Effectiveness: Perspective from Osun State Civil Servant
The study investigates the impact of workforce planning on organizational effectiveness in Osun State Civil Service. The research design used is a descriptive survey, while the approximate population size of the ministries is 11,243. This paper adopts a two-stage sampling technique for the collection of data. A total of 240 questionnaires were completely retrieved and utilized for the study. The hypothesis was tested with Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Regression Analysis. The findings show a highly significant linear correlation between workforce planning and organizational effectiveness at a 0.05 significance level. Also, workforce planning significantly impacts organizational effectiveness in Osun State Civil Service, Osogbo. It is concluded that workforce planning will enhance the effectiveness of the organization. The paper recommends that the Human Resource department develop and implement a comprehensive career development training program.

Norman Theory and the Formation of Russian Statehood
The authors analyze the question of the origin of Russian statehood in ancient times. The main goal of the research is to study economic and social state of Russia at the beginning of the VIth century. The authors conduct a detailed analysis of the Norman and anti-Norman theories. They conclude assessment of the degree of influence of each of the theories on the formation of Russia as a full-fledged state.