Vol 20, No 1 (2023)


The Role of Civic Identity, Religiosity, Sex, and Education in Young People's Commitment to Various Forms of Social Activity

Shamionov R.M.


The problem of social activity of young people is in the field of research attention of psychology, sociology, law, pedagogy and other sciences. The social activity of young people is an important basis for the dynamic and innovative development of society. Studying the factor structure and the role of socio-psychological characteristics in integral (combined) forms of social activity is an important task of modern social psychology. The aim of the study is to investigate the structure of social activity of young people and, based on a path analysis, to determine the role of civic identity, religiosity, sex, and education in commitment to various (combined) forms of social activity. The study involved 305 people aged M = 21.2; SD = 2.95 (men - 35.4%), 17.4% of the participants were married. A questionnaire aimed at fixing socio-demographic characteristics, civic identity, religiosity, attitudes of social activity, and developed scales aimed at measuring commitment to various types of social activity were used. To assess this commitment, previously developed scales were used. Civil identity was determined using A.N. Tatarko’s scale. Descriptive statistics methods, factorial, correlation, regression and path analyses were also applied. It has been shown that the four-component (civil-political, protest-subcultural, spiritual-educational, leisure) factor model of forms of social activity is acceptable for all the analyzed dimensions. As a result of modeling, a direct relationship between gender and education is established with the manifestations of educational-developing, civil-political and leisure, educational-developing activity respectively. Civil identity is a positive factor in civil-political activity and a negative factor in protest-subcultural activity. At the center of the model is the commitment to spiritual and educational activity, which contributes to the prediction of all the other forms of activity, i.e., civil-political and leisure (directly), and protest-subcultural (indirectly). The facilitating or hindering and mediating role of civic identity, religiosity, gender, and education in commitment to various forms of social activity can be used in organizing social activity of young people as well as in developing “guided” socialization programs.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):7-23
pages 7-23 views

The Role of the Dark Triad and Materialistic Orientation in Evaluating an Ethically Unfounded Economic Decision

Baleva M.V., Kornienko D.S., Yachmeneva N.P.


The authors consider the role of the Dark Triad traits in making an ethically unfounded economic decision caused by an artificial increase in prices against the background of forced consumer demand. They test hypotheses about the positive associations of dark traits with assessments of an ethically unfounded choice and the moderating (facilitating) role of materialistic orientation in the manifestation of these associations. It is assumed that the highest positive assessments of an unethical economic decision will be observed with a combination of high values in the dark traits and the materialistic orientation. The study involved 462 firstto fourth-year students aged 17 to 46 (M = 21.20; SD = 3.09), including 80 males (17.3%) and 382 females (82.7%). To diagnose moral choice in terms of economic behavior, the participants were asked to consider two situations, in each of which it was required to assess the degree of ethicality of financial decisions aimed at raising prices. In the first situation, this decision was justified, since it was aimed at compensating objective expenses, while, in the second situation, it was unjustified, since it had no objective economic prerequisites. The dark traits and materialistic orientation were measured by standardized questionnaires. The data were processed using correlation analysis (including partial correlations) and factorial ANOVA. It was found that, at high levels of the Dark Triad, there was a tendency to make ethically unfounded financial decisions, but the materialistic orientation did not increase this tendency. For the first time, it was revealed that the tendency to make ethically unjustified financial decisions manifests itself in a combination of high values of the Dark Triad (in particular, Machiavellianism) and low values of the materialistic orientation (in particular, the Acquisition centrality). Notably, that, for total indicators, this pattern can be traced only at the level of a statistical trend while, for Machiavellianism, it is at a statistically significant level. The results obtained indicate that the unethical economic decision of a ‘dark’ personality may be based on a non-utilitarian motivation, which manifests itself in the rejection of profit for the sake of the opportunity to cause harm.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):24-40
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Intergroup Contact and Personal and Cultural Stereotypes in Intercultural Relations: A Case of the Stereotype Content in Moscow for Belarusians, Chinese, Uzbeks, and Chechens

Grigoryev D.S., Komyaginskaya E.S.


The authors use the Stereotype Content Model to consider the relationship between positive and negative intergroup contact and personal and cultural ethnic stereotypes. The introduction poses the theoretical foundations through defining acculturation and adaptation, and also outlining their relationship with stereotypes and intergroup contact in the context of intercultural relations. The empirical part examines intergroup contact and ethnic stereotypes in Moscow about Belarusians, Chinese, Uzbeks, and Chechens with a gender-balanced sample consisted of 316 ethnic Russians aged 16 to 68 (34 years on average). Three competing hypotheses about the correspondence of valence of intergroup contact and stereotypes were considered: (1) constant valence asymmetry; (2) usefulness of stereotype-inconsistent information; (3) epistemic defense. As a result in linear mixed models that (1) personal stereotypes were more positive than cultural ones; (2) however, they were located relative to each other in accordance with the quadrants of cultural stereotypes; (3) intergroup contact was associated with personal stereotypes in the direction according to the valence of the contact; (4) no evidence for interaction between negative contact and cultural stereotypes, whereas the beneficial effect of positive contact was stronger for those ethnic groups with more negative cultural stereotypes. It was concluded that personal experience has only limited scope for improving an already positive attitude, or worsening a negative one. Therefore, only a social policy aimed at changing cultural stereotypes might be efficient.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):41-66
pages 41-66 views

Hardiness and Subjective Well-being of Siberian Schoolchildren Who Have Different Levels of Migration Attitudes: The Example of the Omsk Region

Potapova Y.V., Malenova A.Y., Malenov A.A., Potapov A.K.


Due to the growing rates of migration of young people from the Siberian region to the west, it is becoming increasingly relevant to study the personal prerequisites for making a decision to change their place of residence. Schoolchildren as future graduates and applicants are one of the most mobile groups of population. Knowledge of the socio-psychological factors of their migration attitudes will enable the region to create optimal conditions for further education and work of young specialists, preventing their outflow. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level and structure of subjective well-being and hardiness of schoolchildren in the Omsk region who have different levels of migration attitudes. The authors describe the types of schoolchildren with different levels of migration attitudes from the standpoint of personal and demographic characteristics. They conducted a survey and testing using the following tools: the personal subjective well-being diagnostic technique (by R.M. Shamionov and T.V. Beskova); S. Muddy’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by D.A. Leontiev and E.I. Rasskazova); personal migration attitudes scale (by S.A. Kuznetsova); the author’s questionnaire. The study involved 461 students (females - 58.1%) of secondary schools in Omsk and the Omsk region (Mage =15.5; SD = 1.39). As a result, three types of schoolchildren with different level of migratory attitudes were identified. The desire for a settled life is demonstrated by the schoolchildren with relatively higher subjective well-being and hardiness, as well as a high level of challenge. The highest level of migration attitudes was found in the schoolchildren with a relatively lower level of subjective well-being and hardiness, as well as a low level of commitment. The schoolchildren with average migration attitudes are psychologically similar to those striving for migration, but they have a relatively lower existential-activity and social-normative well-being; in addition, their commitment is at an average level.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):67-86
pages 67-86 views

Relationship between Perfectionism and Cognitive Components of Sportsmen’s Professional Skills

Yakushina A.A., Leonov S.V., Nevmerzhitskaya E.V.


To achieve high results in sports, both motor and cognitive skills are important. However, the formation of cognitive components of sports activity can be influenced by personality traits, for example, such a multidimensional trait as perfectionism. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between various parameters of perfectionism and the cognitive component of skill in sports. The study involved 311 athletes aged 14 to 32 years (M = 19.5; SD = 2.03). The following instruments were used in the study: The Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale 2 and The Three-Factor Questionnaire of Perfectionism (for diagnosing perfectionism); Questionnaire of Metacognitive Involvement in Activities (for diagnosing metacognitive involvement); and The Mental Image Inventory in Sports (to determine the frequency of using mental images). It has been shown that the athletes with more pronounced perfectionism are able to better understand and evaluate their performance; they can more accurately notice mistakes and more often use mental images in the training process. Also, as a result of a series of regression analyzes, it has been found that such parameters of perfectionism as “high personal standards” and “regime organization” affect the frequency of using cognitive and motivational images, as well as metacognitive involvement in the activities of the athletes who took part in the study. Thus, perfectionism has a significant impact on various parameters of the cognitive component of skill development, which in turn can affect the performance of an athlete in training and competition.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):87-104
pages 87-104 views


Technique for Diagnosing Cognitive Flexibility in Preschoolers: Comparison of Blank and Digital Forms

Veraksa N.E., Aslanova M.S., Tarasova K.S., Klimenko V.A.


Cognitive flexibility is considered a trait of human cognition that helps people adapt to new and changing environments by activating cognitive resources; it develops mainly at preschool age, being a predictor of children's future social and academic successes, which emphasizes the importance of diagnosing its formation. The present study is intended to assess the diagnostic capabilities of the digital version of the Dimensional Change Card Sort technique by P.D. Zelazo aimed at diagnosing the cognitive flexibility of preschoolers, compared with the traditional blank version. The digital version of the technique was tested on a sample of 55 children attending two senior kindergarten groups (57.1% of boys) aged 5 to 6 years (M = 64.03, SD = 2.14). An intra-individual scheme with the division of the subjects into two groups was applied. The first group was initially tested using the blank technique, and a month later using the digital one. The second group, on the contrary, was first tested using the digital technique and, a month later, using the blank one. Thus, the transfer effect was controlled. Sufficient indicators of reliability and consistency of the results of both measurements were obtained for the blank and digital versions of technique. No statistically significant differences were found between the mean values of the same indicators measured by digital and blank techniques different methods (Student’s t -test for paired samples). The results of the study show that the digital version of the Dimensional Change Card Sort technique has high indicators of validity and reliability and can be used in diagnostic work. However, these results indicate that the digitalization of techniques cannot always be reduced to a simple translation of them into the form of a software product, and requires additional research when adapting them.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):105-125
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Leadership and Innovativeness as the Basis for Developing Teachers’ Digital Competences

Stošić L., Mikhailova O.B.


The authors discuss the prospects for developing modern teacher’s competences in the process of digitalization of education and several related problems. The purpose of the study is, based on the analysis of scientific research conducted in Russia and some other countries, to provide pedagogical management with a promising system for developing digital competencies in order to enable teachers to master modern educational technologies. Teachers’ innovativeness and leadership as psychological characteristics that help them become digitally competent are considered from a theoretical standpoint. Based on these characteristics, as they are manifested in the educational process, a theoretical model of the structural elements of personal innovativeness is demonstrated. The practical technology for organizing a teacher’s psychological and pedagogical laboratory in the form of a cycle of logically interconnected modules is described in detail. This technology will make it possible to develop teachers’ digital competences in the system of a modern educational institution. The formulated main directions of the system for developing teachers’ innovativeness and leadership can be used in the practice of pedagogical management of any modern school. The authors substantiate the need to introduce this system into the international practice of modern education.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):126-144
pages 126-144 views

Reviewing Learning and Teaching Content in the Scope of Artificial Intelligence: for Humanities and Social Sciences Majors

Yarotskaya L.V., Aleinikova D.V.


Social progress is largely determined by the degree to which digital reality is mastered by society as well as by the development and implementation of innovative technologies related to the use of artificial intelligence. Of particular relevance are issues related to the training of a new generation of specialists, who will be able not only to harmoniously fit into the current digital contexts of social life but also purposefully improve, develop and transform their professional digital tools. It is required to set and solve the tasks of developing students’ competences at a high-quality level, which implies pedagogical specification of the modern educational content. The aim of the study is to elaborate a didactic apparatus for revising the modern educational content for students majoring in the humanities and social sciences, taking into account the current contexts of professional activity in digital reality. The authors have formulated a hypothesis that, in order to prepare humanities students to solve the ever more complex tasks of professional activity and communication in digital reality, it is necessary to update the educational content on an interdisciplinary basis, bringing it into line with the digital contexts of professional activity in this field and introducing a new content outline. This can be done if the following tasks are solved: (1) to define the current areas of work of a specialist in the humanities and social sciences in digital reality and, on this basis, create a digital profile for such a specialist, i.e., an invariant set of tasks relevant in the context of digitalization as well as the corresponding competences; (2) to determine a set of disciplines that have the greatest potential for implementing the digital profile of such a specialist; (3) to substantiate the project of changes in the educational content for students majoring in the humanities and social sciences; and (4) to conduct an experimental test of the draft changes in this educational content. The nominal data comparison method, namely the McNemar test, was used. The solution of the above tasks allowed us: in theoretical terms, to lay the conceptual foundations for selecting the actual educational content for students majoring in the humanities and social sciences in digital reality and, in practical terms, to propose specific tools for updating the subject content. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis of the study and ways to update the educational content on an interdisciplinary basis, taking into account the current contexts of the professional activity in the social and humanitarian sphere in digital reality.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):145-162
pages 145-162 views

Teacher's Communicative Behaviors in Relation to Organizational and Technical Factors in Online University Education

Riapina N.E., Permyakova T.M., Balezina E.A.


The authors present the results of a study of the relationship of the quality of the Internet connection and students’ attendance with the clarity and immediacy of the teacher’s communicative behavior in the process of online university education. The relevance of the problem is due to significant changes currently taking place in the Russian educational environment: the active use of the online training format affects both the content of education and its organization. The study involved 409 undergraduate students (females - 71%, mean age = 20, SD = 2.1). The students’ perceptions of the clarity and immediacy of the teacher’s communicative behaviors in the online training format were measured by tools based on their subjective assessments. In addition, the students evaluated the quality of Internet connection on a five-point scale and indicated how many classes they attended; since these factors are presumably associated with their perceptions of their teacher’s behavior. The results of the study showed a positive correlation between the teacher’s immediacy and the students’ attendance; however, no relationship was found between the clarity of the teacher’s communicative behavior and students’ attendance. It was also found that the quality of the Internet connection is directly related to the teacher’s clarity and immediacy. Moreover, the latter can be perceived both positively and negatively depending on the quality of the Internet connection. The obtained data indicate that the organizational and technical factors are very important for teacher - student interaction in the online training format.

RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):163-182
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Universities at the Crossroads: New Meanings and Growth Points in the Digital Reality: Book Review of: Osmuk, L.A. (Ed.). (2022). L’université et la ville: dialogue dans le discours post-industriel sur l’exemple de la Russie et de la France: monographie. Novossibirsk: NSTU Publ.

Khakhalkina E.V.



RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2023;20(1):183-190
pages 183-190 views

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