Hardiness and Subjective Well-being of Siberian Schoolchildren Who Have Different Levels of Migration Attitudes: The Example of the Omsk Region


Due to the growing rates of migration of young people from the Siberian region to the west, it is becoming increasingly relevant to study the personal prerequisites for making a decision to change their place of residence. Schoolchildren as future graduates and applicants are one of the most mobile groups of population. Knowledge of the socio-psychological factors of their migration attitudes will enable the region to create optimal conditions for further education and work of young specialists, preventing their outflow. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level and structure of subjective well-being and hardiness of schoolchildren in the Omsk region who have different levels of migration attitudes. The authors describe the types of schoolchildren with different levels of migration attitudes from the standpoint of personal and demographic characteristics. They conducted a survey and testing using the following tools: the personal subjective well-being diagnostic technique (by R.M. Shamionov and T.V. Beskova); S. Muddy’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by D.A. Leontiev and E.I. Rasskazova); personal migration attitudes scale (by S.A. Kuznetsova); the author’s questionnaire. The study involved 461 students (females - 58.1%) of secondary schools in Omsk and the Omsk region (Mage =15.5; SD = 1.39). As a result, three types of schoolchildren with different level of migratory attitudes were identified. The desire for a settled life is demonstrated by the schoolchildren with relatively higher subjective well-being and hardiness, as well as a high level of challenge. The highest level of migration attitudes was found in the schoolchildren with a relatively lower level of subjective well-being and hardiness, as well as a low level of commitment. The schoolchildren with average migration attitudes are psychologically similar to those striving for migration, but they have a relatively lower existential-activity and social-normative well-being; in addition, their commitment is at an average level.

About the authors

Yuliya V. Potapova

Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: kardova.jv@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1226-8982
SPIN-code: 5026-5940

PhD in Psychology, is Associate Professor of General and Social Psychology Department

55 Prospekt Mira, Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation

Arina Yu. Malenova

Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Email: malyonova@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5778-0739
SPIN-code: 8179-3954

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, is Associate Professor of General and Social Psychology Department

55 Prospekt Mira, Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation

Aleksandr A. Malenov

Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Email: malyonov@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3654-956X
SPIN-code: 9545-2314

PhD in Psychology, is Head of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory

55 Prospekt Mira, Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation

Alexander K. Potapov

Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Email: poalexk2187@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5890-9987
SPIN-code: 9006-6277

PhD in History, is lecturer at the Secondary Vocational Education Institute

55 Prospekt Mira, Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation


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