Vol 19, No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/psychology-pedagogics/issue/view/1586
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1683-2022-19-3
Full Issue
Development of a Measure for Assessing Perceived Community Culture Based on Triandis’s Horizontal/Vertical Individualism-Collectivism Cultural Orientation
A new measure based on Triandis’s horizontal/vertical individualism-collectivism cultural orientation was developed to assess perceived community culture though the lens of horizontal individualism, vertical individualism, horizontal collectivism, and vertical collectivism. In the first step, a qualitative analysis using cognitive interviews showed that item wordings were appropriate to the Russian context, meaningfully accurate, and tangible to participants. In the second step, there was empirical testing of measure with 300 participants of the sociopsychological survey (questionnaire). The results showed that the expected factor structure had acceptable global and local fit of measurement model with the collected data. The measures had measurement equivalence by gender and acceptable indicators of reliability and validity. Comparison of obtained results with those published earlier showed that presented measure of the cultural orientations provided better model fit and indicators than the original measure or its other modifications, adaptations, and translations into Russian. Moreover, the developed measure showed that the assessment results were meaningfully correlated with the individual values of the participants assessed by Schwartz’s basic human values approach. Finally, the measure is particularly useful and can be successfully applied in a variety of studies aimed to study social influence. The questionnaire in English is available at Appendix in the end of the paper.

The Influence of Prior Language Experience on Foreign Language Anxiety: A Study on a Russian-Speaking Sample
The topic of foreign language anxiety has attracted considerable attention in the scientific community in recent years. However, there is no universal approach to how to overcome foreign language anxiety. Apart from everything else, it creates barriers and prevents foreign language learners from achieving high results. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of prior experience of learning foreign languages on language anxiety. The study sample consisted of 152 Russian-speaking persons aged 16-45 who were surveyed using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale to evaluate communication apprehension, fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety. The participants also answered questions regarding their language learning experiences: about the number of acquired languages, the age of their acquisition and the level of proficiency in these languages. The MANCOVA results showed that the group with the similar language experience had lower levels of fear of negative evaluation ( F (1, 156) = 4.07, < .05, η2 = .06). Based on the results of the study, the authors put forward several practical recommendations: firstly, it is advisable for the teacher to be aware of the student’s prior language experience; secondly, it is proposed, in the educational process, to focus on the similarities in the phonology of the languages being studied; and, thirdly, it is also useful to pay extra attention to common morphemes in different languages.

Value-orientation Differentiation of Volunteers Educating of the Internet Encyclopedia “Wikipedia” and the Project “Otvety.” Part 1
The development of the Internet contributes to the activity of education volunteers who disseminate a variety of information on the Web. This study is limited to virtual volunteers who share useful knowledge in cyberspace. Although the issues of volunteering are covered quite widely in psychological science, the volitional mechanisms that encourage online educational activities have been poorly studied. The leading role in the deployment of such prosocial behavior is played by a specific value-orientation system. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the systems of values and value orientations of online educators, namely representatives of the expert core of the online encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (N = 96) and the question-answer (Q&A) online project “Otvety” (N = 47). The study is based on the value-specific (SVS, PVQ) methodology developed by Sh. Schwartz and adapted by V.N. Karandashev; the participants belong to the abovementioned expert core groups of online education volunteers. The results reveal their relatively homogeneous set of values, which is developing into an altruistic meta-orientation towards autonomously given and situationally different dissemination of knowledge aimed at providing information (as a public utility) and regulated by self-transcendence and openness to changes. Intersubjective (in terms of normative ideals and individual priorities) and intergroup (in terms of communities) value-related comparison of the study participants - Wikipedia authors and Q&A “Otvety” service experts - optionally show that the Wikipedians are more inclined to avoid saturated social relationships (being socially inert), however, are much more hedonistic about life than the Q&A-experts. At the same time, both groups are brought together as close as possible by the radical condemnation of any factors that interfere with social harmony and limit the freedom to manifest oneself as a person. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that further understanding of the personal and group characteristics of education volunteers can expand the scope of education; therefore, in subsequent studies, it is proposed to use successive psychodiagnostic methods that measure value specificity in a psychosocial context.

Methodology for the Formation of Digital Accessibility Competences: Development and Trial on a Russian Sample
Digital accessibility of e-learning provides an opportunity to fully participate in the educational process for all students, including persons with disabilities. Each specialist involved in the development of e-learning content and resources should be competent in digital accessibility and universal design. The authors propose a methodological approach to the development of digital accessibility competencies and present the results of testing this approach in practice. In 2021, on the basis of one of the Russian universities, a methodology for the formation of digital accessibility competences was developed and tested, including a system of competences, tools for testing formed competences, a curriculum and an appropriate online course. In addition, a study sample was formed (177 undergraduate and graduate students), a training course was conducted, and training outcomes were analyzed. It is for the first time that a methodological approach to the formation of digital accessibility competences has been proposed in the Russian Federation. The training outcomes confirmed the efficiency of the proposed approach: 96% of the students successfully completed the training, of which more than 67% achieved intermediate and advanced levels of the competences. A significant positive correlation was found between the successfully completed current tasks and the results of the final tests of self-assessment and formal assessment. It was shown that the training efficiency did not depend on how (voluntarily or compulsorily) the students were enrolled in the course, whether there were pedagogical disciplines in their curricula and what was the level of their university education. The relationship found between the results of final self-assessment and the results of formal assessment can be interpreted as consistency between satisfaction with the training and its success. The developed methodological tools, including the online course, can be used for the professional training of teachers, the formation of professional competences of IT specialists as well as the improvement of the overall digital literacy of specialists involved in the development of digital content.

The Student Club as a Tool for Attracting Youth Audience to Museums
The authors describe the possibility of using a differentiated approach based on vocational education in the field of art and culture as a new criterion for attracting youth audiences to museums in the digital era. A distinctive feature of the differentiated approach in the activities of museum student clubs is the targeted impact on various groups of young people, taking into account their age and level of art training in the development of museum programs. In order to assess the applicability of the differentiated approach to working with young people in museums, the members of student clubs of the two largest museums in Russia, i.e., the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, were surveyed. Expert interviews with the staff of the student clubs were also conducted. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors identified three groups of the young people, which were designated as “interested,” “advanced” and “proficient.” The criteria for dividing into the groups were differences in the educational level of the students in the field of art and culture. This division allowed to determine the forms of the most attractive museum events for the identified groups of students. The results of the study may be useful in working with the youth audience in other museums.

Moral Foundations for the Feelings of Shame and Pride Regarding the Native Country
The feelings of shame and pride regarding the native country are important in the context of the problem of civic identity; therefore, they are of growing interest on the part of sociologists and psychologists. Given the moral nature of these emotions, their analysis based on one of the most authoritative approaches in the psychology of morality, moral foundations theory, seems relevant and justified. The purpose of this study was to analyze the moral foundations for the feelings of shame and pride regarding the native country. The online survey involved 752 subjects (49.9% men) aged 16-73 (mean age M = 42, SD = 10.87). A new version of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ-2) was used to assess the moral foundations. The feelings of shame and pride regarding the native country were assessed using a questionnaire tested in previous sociological and psychological studies. Data processing was carried out using exploratory factor analysis, linear regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the regression analysis on the factors of shame and pride regarding the native country showed that the moral foundations play an important role in these feelings among the inhabitants of Russia. However, a specific set of predictors is determined by what exactly is the subject of pride or shame. In general, the moral foundations of loyalty and authority are of the greatest importance for pride, while liberty and equity are most important for shame regarding the native country. Using the latent profile analysis, we identified typical profiles of moral foundations associated with age. A small group (14% of the sample) of relatively young respondents with an individualistic profile of moral foundations demonstrated a significant predominance of shame over pride regarding their native country. The other two groups with a traditionalist and a moderate profiles of moral foundations were characterized by a balance (or approximate equality) of pride and shame regarding their native country. The results of the study contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of the moral factors of patriotic education based on the formation of a feeling of pride in the country.

Fear of Death in People of Mature Age with Christian Self-Identification
One of the most important functions of religion is to fill the deficits in the existence of human society, among which an important place is occupied by the awareness of human mortality. According to psychological theories, religion often appears as one of the adaptive strategies that alleviate the fear of death. However, both domestic and foreign empirical studies of the relationship between religiosity and the severity of the fear of death lead to contradictory results, which is associated with the need to take into account a large number of variables in such studies, as well as a non-linear relationship between religion and the fear of death. The authors have made an attempt to study the relationship between Christian self-identification with the conscious components of the fear of death in 118 men and women at different periods of adulthood (40-50 and 51-65 years). The conscious components of the fear of death were assessed on the Personal Death Fear Scale, and attitudes toward death (in particular, the features of experiencing the fear of death and ways to cope with it) were identified in phenomenological interviews. The data were processed using Mann - Whitney U test, correlation analysis, and phenomenological analysis of interviews. The study has shown that Christian religious self-identification in adulthood is positively correlated with the conscious fear of death, and also has age and gender specificity. In general, it is concluded that, in order to explain the relationship between Christian self-identification and the conscious fear of death, it is necessary to analyze the role that the religious worldview plays in people's understanding of their life path. Based on the results of the study, it can be assumed that the leading motive in choosing a Christian worldview is not so much overcoming the fear of personal death as the search for effective ways to cope with difficult life situations. That is why Christian self-identification does not contribute to reducing the fear of personal death, responding to a greater extent to other motives related to the need to “cope with life.” To sum up, the authors show that religiosity is not a universal tool that can unequivocally reduce the fear of death.

Behavioral Manifestations of Empathy at an Early Age: Based on the Testing of a Standardized Experimental Procedure “Simulated Adult Distress”
The development of empathy at an early age (12-36 months) is gaining more and more attention due to the growing understanding of its importance in motivating care and prosocial behavior. The authors present the results of testing the standardized experimental procedure “simulated adult distress,” which is most often used in foreign psychology to study empathy in young children: the experimenter and the mother in the presence of the child take turns showing signs of pain/discomfort of low intensity for a short time. The study involved 12 girls aged 19-32 months. The children’s behavior was recorded by categories: hypothesis testing, empathic personal distress, empathic concern (care), and prosocial behavior. The study presents descriptions of behavioral manifestations in all the categories as well as a description of the identified phenomenon of repetition of adult behavior in the children aged 22-28 months. The results of the study allow to conclude that the use of the “simulated adult distress” procedure is promising for identifying empathy phenomena characteristic of an early age.

Beauty in Psychology: A Bibliometric Analysis
The purpose of the study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of psychological publications devoted to the phenomenon of beauty. The research material (2214 articles) was extracted from the Scopus bibliographic database. The VOSviewer and biblioshiny software tools were used to analyze the results and build a bibliometric map. The construction of a conceptual map made it possible to identify four clusters related to the study of beauty: (1) the bodily component of a person; (2) attractiveness; (3) aesthetic phenomena; and (4) sociocultural processes. Thematic clustering using the Walktrap algorithm identified four themes; with the theme with the highest density and centrality devoted to the study of attractiveness, in particular, physical attractiveness and facial attractiveness. Five countries (USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia) produced almost 3/4 of the total number of publications (74.2%). The contribution of Russian authors amounted to 17 articles (0.8%). Trend analysis shows that in recent years there has been a growing interest in social media, aesthetic emotions and values. It is concluded that the main phenomena that are associated with the concept of “beauty” and are studied in psychology are body image, attractiveness, physical attractiveness, facial attractiveness and aesthetics. The conducted analysis shows that beauty as a value, remaining an understudied category, is explored in the context of positive psychology.

The Pivotal Role of Students in International Psychology: A Past, Present, and Future Overview
In 2022, the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Division 52 (International Psychology) marked the long-anticipated 25th anniversary of its foundation on February 21, 1997. This is an apt time to review the important and often overlooked roles of students within international psychology. This concise, yet panoramic overview explores the roles of students in international psychology, in APA’s Division 52, and in student-led organizations in five parts: (1) prehistory of Division 52 prior to 1997; (2) early years of Division 52; (3) recent years of Division 52; (4) the current rise of a new studentled organization; (5) future directions for international psychology.