Development Strategy for Continuous Professional Education in the Field of Traditional Applied Arts and Crafts of Russia
- Authors: Fedotova OV1
- Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and Crafts - Moscow BranchHigh School of Folk Arts (Institute)
- Issue: No 4 (2011)
- Pages: 58-63
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The major factors of the development and perfection of the education system in the field of traditional applied arts and crafts in view of modern requirements are considered in the article.
About the authors
O V Fedotova
Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and Crafts - Moscow BranchHigh School of Folk Arts (Institute)
Кафедра художественной росписи по металлу и папье-маше; Институт традиционного прикладного искусства - московский филиалВысшей школы народных искусств (института); Institute of Traditional Applied Arts and Crafts - Moscow BranchHigh School of Folk Arts (Institute)