Estimating the Efficiency of the “Proactive Behavior Training” in the Formation of the Doctor’s Adherence to Preventive Work
- Authors: Slabinsky V.Y.1, Voishcheva N.M.1, Kabieva A.A.2, Levadnaya M.O.3
- Petersburg School of Psychotherapy and Psychology of Relationships
- Vladivostok Polyclinic No. 3
- Far Eastern Federal University
- Issue: Vol 18, No 4 (2021)
- Pages: 893-914
- URL:
- DOI:
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Today the public health service faces numerous pressing challenges, including not only treatment, but also prevention of diseases. A theoretical analysis of materials on this topic shows that insufficient adherence of doctors to preventive work can be associated not only with a high level of their professional burnout, but also with their usual reactive coping strategies, which is caused by the traditional conservatism of the medical community. Previous studies have shown that the solution to the described problem may lie in the formation of a system of proactive coping behaviors and reduction of professional burnout among doctors. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of the “Proactive Behavior Training” developed by V.Yu. Slabinsky and N.M. Voishcheva in the formation of a doctor’s adherence to preventive work. The sample consisted of 125 people (112 women, 13 men). Their age range was from 24 to 68 years. The work experience ranged from less than 1 year to 45 years. The experimental group and the control group consisted of 64 and 61 people respectively. The research was conducted using the following techniques: Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI); Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI); Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI); BAK conflict; projective test “My job”; and case method (unstructured cases). The statistical analysis was carried out using the Wilcoxon test for compare the test results before and after the training, and the Fisher criterion (φ*-criterion) for check statistically significant differences in the frequency of occurrence of the selected criteria. The results of the case method were processed by content analysis. It was revealed that, in primary care physicians (PCPs), the “Proactive Behavior Training” develops a system of proactive coping strategies (“proactive overcoming”, “reflexive overcoming”, “preventive overcoming”, “seeking instrumental support” and “seeking emotional support”); it reduces the level of professional burnout (increasing “professional success” and reducing “emotional exhaustion”) and potentiates the “positive past” time perspective. A positive influence on the emotional and imaginative perception of physicians of their professional activities was found, which is confirmed by the results of the projective test “My job”. It was noted that the participants in the training developed such traits as “diligence”, “optimism” and “tenderness”, which contributes to the manifestation of a more humane attitude towards their patients, and, as a consequence, a greater efficiency in their preventive activities. These results, as well as the content analysis data for the texts of the tasks completed by the doctors and reviews obtained from the heads of the medical organizations, the employees of which participated in the training, confirm the efficiency of the “Proactive Behavior Training” in developing the PCPs’ adherence to preventive work.
About the authors
Vladimir Yu. Slabinsky
Petersburg School of Psychotherapy and Psychology of Relationships
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3017-1260
PhD in Medical Sciences, Rector, Head of the Department of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology
14 Spasskii Pereulok, Saint Petersburg, 190031, Russian FederationNadezhda M. Voishcheva
Petersburg School of Psychotherapy and Psychology of Relationships
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5316-6173
PhD in Psychological Sciences, Vice-Rector, Head of the Department of Occupational and Health Psychology
14 Spasskii Pereulok, Saint Petersburg, 190031, Russian FederationAngela A. Kabieva
Vladivostok Polyclinic No. 3
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1390-8507
Chief External Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Primorsky Territory for Medical Prevention, Chief Physician
55 Lugovaya St, Vladivostok, 690005, Russian FederationMaya O. Levadnaya
Far Eastern Federal University
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1479-3788
PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Master’s Program of Management Psychology
10 Ayaks Settlement, Russky Island, Vladivostok, 690922, Russian FederationReferences
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