A Psychometric Analysis of the Russian Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in High School Students
- Authors: Kondratyuk N.G.1, Burmistrova-Savenkova A.V.1, Morosanova V.I.1
- Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education
- Issue: Vol 18, No 3 (2021)
- Pages: 555-575
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/psychology-pedagogics/article/view/27596
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1683-2021-18-3-555-575
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The aim of the research is to develop a Russian-language version of Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) by M. Savickas and E. Porfeli and test its psychometric properties on a Russian sample of high school students from 9th, 10th, and 11th grade. The relevance of the study is determined by the modern society demand for the search, creation and development of effective tools for diagnosing meta-skills that are conducive to a person’s professional self-determination, success and well-being. The study involved 607 people (360 girls and 247 boys) aged 15 to 19. The Russian-language version is identical to international form of Career Adapt-Abilities Scale. It includes 24 items that are summarized to give a total score for diagnosing career adaptability and are equally divided into four subscales to measure adaptability resources, including: concern, control, curiosity, and confidence. The internal consistency coefficients of the scale and its subscales ranged from ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ and were close to the corresponding parameters of the international version of CAAS. The study demonstrated the retest reliability of CAAS, the factor structure and correlations of the general indicator of career adaptability and its parameters with other psychological constructs associated with personality traits, regulatory mechanisms and processes of professional self-development. Thus, the adapted Russian-language form of Career Adapt-Abilities Scale is a reliable and valid tool for studying personal career adaptability and career-adaptive resources in Russian-speaking samples. Further research is related to the analysis of the age invariance of the method; it is also planned to study its invariance separately in men vs women groups. The article contains the text of the questionnaire, instructions and keys.
About the authors
Nailya G. Kondratyuk
Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education
Author for correspondence.
Email: n.kondratyuk@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2907-9771
PhD in Psychology, is senior researcher of the Department of Self-Regulation Psychology
9 Mokhovaya St, bldg 4, Moscow, 125009, Russian FederationAnjelika V. Burmistrova-Savenkova
Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education
Email: cygnet@inbox.ru
PhD in Psychology, is senior researcher of the Department of Self-Regulation Psychology
9 Mokhovaya St, bldg 4, Moscow, 125009, Russian FederationVarvara I. Morosanova
Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education
Email: morosanova@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7694-1945
Sc.D. (Psychology), Professor, is corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Laboratory of Self-Regulation Psychology
9 Mokhovaya St, bldg 4, Moscow, 125009, Russian FederationReferences
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